Epilogue: Faith is Voluntary

For the pursuit of a religious way, a person needs to seek certain goals with certain weak beliefs. The choice whether to seek those goals is his. A person may choose to seek his own earthly well-being, or that of his family, or of his country, or of the world—or he may seek a deeper and longer-term well-being for himself and for others, and the rendering of praise to God. The choice is his. Obviously any normal person will want earthly well-being for himself—food and drink, sex and sleep, laughter and children, spouse and parents, a worthwhile job, and so on. And one in whom natural instincts have not been repressed by bad upbringing or poor genotype will want these things for others close to him too. And he will want to show respect to those who deserve it, to express gratitude to those who have given him great gifts,...