
Author's Note:

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Have you ever wondered what would happen if the curse that "Tom Marvalo Riddle" was bound with as a result of her mother using a love potion on his father was broken? The curse could be broken by the unwavering love from another person, broken by the affection and genuineness he doesn't realise he always wanted.

What kind of person would he be if he found a true buddy and pure love?

What if a pureblood brunette who didn't realise the influence she had on him when they first met breaks the curse that binds him?

When he saw her wandering in Muggle London next to an orphanage, he approached her and was awestruck by her doe eyes pleading with him to find her parents. He offered her a sweet to help her relax, and she accepted it. She hugged her parents warmly when they discovered her. She gave him her black flowered hairpin as a token of appreciation. when she said him farewell. When he needed to call her, when he needed to know her name.

He bid her "Goodbye" in the hope that he wouldn't have to see her again.

He was unaware that he didn't know her name when he felt regret.

When he realised that this brunette's dazzling eyes would be present in his thoughts at all times and that her smile would be there to lift his spirits at his darkest moments.

He realised the girl he met was unique like him.

He was aware that the female possessed power as well.

Five years after:

Theodore Chris Black's oldest child was "Isabella Theodore Black." She was a bubbly young lady, but she also had a mystery side. She embodied everything that.

"She resembled the moon. She always had a secret side."

The Blacks were a pureblood family who had long held the idea of blood purity, therefore no one was surprised by their hatred of muggle-born people. However, Theodore Black was a morally upright and upbeat individual, and his slytherin was bound to a ravenclaw named "Rosalie Lovegood," which refined his entire personality.

Rosalie, who was also a pureblood, taught Theodore that she did not believe in blood purity. She and him became much more bonded as a result. However, it results in black people treating Theodore like an outsider. According to their assumptions, they would meet him and his family but wouldn't appreciate their small moments of joy. Despite the fact that they were both aware of it, they continued to be devoted to one another.

Rosalie and Theodore both had stunning appearances. Both had pale skin, brown eyes, and raven hair. His long raven eyelashes, mole on the left cheek, 5'11" height, and muscular build were his most distinguishing attributes. Rosalie's large brown almond-shaped eyes, freckles on her cheeks, a slight pinkish tint to her face, and a mole on her top lip all drew attention to her delicate features. They had four kids: "Zack Theodore Black, Isabella Theodore Black, Amy Theodore Black, and Wayne Theodore Black."

Each of the four kids had something important to contribute. When it comes to values, Zack's inner self is quite different from his parents'. He doesn't appear to agree with the idea that he is more like his father on the inside. His bravery and audacious ideas cause him to be categorised as "Gryfinndor". Her mother, Zack, and Wayne make fun of her naivete and her desire to improve everyone's lot in life. They will refer to her as "Coward, Weird, Filthy Hufflepuff," among other things. She stopped talking about her feelings with her family as a result, and now she keeps them to herself. She believed that it was improper to express one's thoughts and feelings to others. The brunette stopped speaking for herself and could constantly be found tangled up in her bed or beside her mansion's fountain, tripping over her own thoughts. Yes, Isabella was a brunette while the rest of her family was a ravenette, and because of her unique looks, she was quite the talk of "The Blacks." She didn't have a fair complexion like her mother, but she was endowed with almond-shaped brown orbs and a ghostly mole that gave her nose a freckled appearance. Due to changes in herself that draw attention to her even though she doesn't want it, Isabella is peaceful and different from her siblings. Although Amy shared her father's outlook on life, she was different in that she aspired to be the "Ministry of Magic" and worked tirelessly to achieve this goal. Wayne bullied Isabella and had no goals in life, yet he was sharp and cunning enough to save himself when his father caught him in a denial condition by utilising his wit or the younger sibling card.

Isabella received her Hogwarts acceptance letter in December 1938, and she was quite intrigued by it. However, everything was derailed when the family sat down to dinner.

Going to Hogwarts now are we? Zack said as Wayne and he traded snide glances and mocking looks at Isabella. It makes sense why they'll place you in the Hufflepuff house." Isabella was perplexed, but she turned to face her father, who reassured her and added, "Never allow them to injure you. They have never met you. My daughter will go somewhere I know." Her brown eyes welled up with tears, but she forced them back because her father's head pat and grin were so adorable at the time and because all she needed at that moment was family support for her joyous occasion. Wayne dislikes the attention-grabbing behaviour, so he added, "Look, the whining has begun.You are probably too simple-minded to be a Gryffindor, too stupid to be a Ravenclaw, and too morally upright to be a Slytherin. Your cowardly nature will fit well in with Hufflepuff, the crybaby house. After all these years, Isabella was unable to take any more, so she spoke today, asserting that Amy had always taught her to treat herself with the proper respect she deserved. She did this by responding to Wayne, who attempted to ruin her moment because of his own insecurities. How do you recognise me? What shall I do? How do you perceive my appearance? You should keep an eye on yourself rather than me. I never share myself with someone as insecure as you, so you don't know me. Don't be envious; your letter will arrive and you will also receive the attention I am currently receiving." When Isabella said the last sentence, Wayne's eyes widened and he stumbled, showing that he was indeed envious of the attention Isabella was receiving. She was adamant. He immediately saw she wasn't being naive at all. He says, "I.. not.. Jealous," with hesitation. Stop your nonsense; you're wrong." Isabella's sneer and Wayne's confused attempt to justify himself caused her father, Wayne, to admit that

"Isabella was a terrific manipulator and observer."

He was aware of the times she would be alone in her room, practising occulmency while keeping her thoughts to herself and hidden from the rest of the world. He was aware that she was an emotional person rather than a crybaby or naive.

but made the decision to keep his ideas to himself.

Isabella, along with her father and sister, grinned when Zack and Wayne wagered that "Isabella would be sorted into Hufflepuff" that evening. She joyfully remarked, By acknowledging her father's trusting nod since he knew they were going to lose it,

"We shall see,"

Only if she is aware that a surprise is in store for her in the future, that a crazy orphan is destined to enter her life, that she will once more fall victim to fate, that a second-year Slytherin ravenette is going to challenge her worldview, and only if she is aware that she was in fact a "Mystery." only if she is certain that what she was thinking was entirely accurate.

The snake-and-mysterious-boy-in-a-chamber dreams were not going to be dreams.

Just if she is aware...

Tom Riddle is aware that Isabella Theodore Black has the potential to ruin his entire scheme.

She has met him before, but she can't recall when.