The Slytherin Dorm

Author's Note:

While reading this Chapter I recommend you to listen, "You should see me in a crown" by Billie Eiliesh.

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Isabella was aware of it; she had always known she would uphold the tradition. Everyone knew she was indeed "underrated" after the sorting hat's announcement.

Her chest puffed out in pride as she heard the cheers from the "Slytherin" table, and she moved toward that table while carrying enchanting sparkles in her eyes. Where Rose Parkinson was beaming joyfully at her, and she smiled in back. The fact that Isabella was placed in Slytherin made Abraxas delighted as well. But Isabella herself was the major cause of his joy. Boy immediately had a crush on her but lacks the courage to tell her. While Tom appeared to be in his normal state on the outside, inside he was experiencing a wide range of emotions, with the most overpowering one being,

She will always be close by because she is a Slytherin.

Tom can't help but consider the possibility that she might be around. "Riddle, see I told you Isabella would be a Slytherin", exaggerated Abraxas as he broke up his profound concentration about "Isabella" with a sound. Tom gave him a momentary look of incredulity, but it quickly vanished as he noticed the person seated in front of him.

Abraxas is greeted politely by Isabella Theodore Black.

Knowing the source of Abraxas' arrogance, he thought about remaining silent as he ate his feast. Essentially to hear Isabella's gentle voice. "How does that sound, Bella? You, me, and Greengrass would share our dorm together. I am very delighted you got into Slytherin." Rose laughed merrily. "That's terrific, Rose, I would love too," Isabella said, her eyes beaming with joy.

Both girls were laughing, chatting, and disregarding the people around them as they ate their feast while gossiping. Tom was elbowed by Abraxas, who also said, "Do something, Riddle." Tom answered in his normal monotone voice, "What?" Tom cocked an eyebrow at him and said, "Make Black talk to me," feeling something in him at Abraxas' remarks.

Most likely, Malfoy's desire for Isabella's attention was motivated by "Jealousy" and "Possessiveness" to seize Isabella's attention for himself.

Thinking too deeply to "make a move" on Isabella while looking up at her, Riddle was stopped by a raven Gryffindor who was amusingly astonished to see that Riddle was in fact her brother. He gave the confused boy a brief chance to turn his head, but instead, he continued to steal looks at her. When Abraxas demotivated Riddle once more, this time speaking to Isabella rather than Tom, Riddle attempted to use Legilimency on her after noticing the entire situation in front of him.

"Hey, Isabella If I'm not mistaken, your brother has been watching your back ever since you got dressed. Would you mind asking him that?" Abraxas made an idea. "Let him be", Isabella merely said with a smile and no intention of turning around and turn to her dish once more, but Riddle was certain he saw her soft smile transform into a sly grin. At first, he believed it was all in his head, but when he looked down, he heard a soft snort and a melody-like voice saying, "After all, the cat thought I was a mice, but I turned out to be as a bull dog." The internal gratification of seeing Isabella succeed at something made Riddle smirk at himself, and his blood was pumping twice as quickly.

He had the impression that his triumph was actually his own and not Isabella's. But something caused him to awaken from his state of contentment. When he looked up, he was met by Isabella's eyes staring directly into his with an unreadable expression. He felt a pair of eyes watching him. There is perfect silence around him and everyone seems to be acting normally.

His awareness that Isabella had played tricks on him to explain the meaning of her grin came at that moment. At that time, he was alone and knew no one else. Isabella and her stunning brown orbs were all he could think about. Giving him the impression that he is drowning deep inside the ocean with no one to save him, he is content with the fact that he is drowning in that "particular" ocean. For a few minute, they both continued to look at each other, but then a signal was given that it was time to leave the Great Hall.

Riddle followed Isabella in getting up from her chair, and they both stood next to her, evidently with Abraxas. The first-year was instructed to verify the assigned dorm numbers by the prefect as they were led toward the Slytherin common room. Everyone followed instructions, and fortunately Rose, Isabella, and Amy Greengrass—all first-year students—were in the same dorm room. The three of them packed up their belongings and headed to their dorm, but Isabella sensed someone watching her in the sea of students. She turned to look, and as she did, the same icy and interrogative orbs of Riddle greeted her. That turned around right away after being caught gazing, but Isabella was certain she noticed Riddle blushing, either out of embarrassment or shyness.

For Isabella, the first night was quite thrilling, and she immediately wrote a letter to Amy.

Dear Amy,

What's up? I'm also competent. Ok first things first , guess what who's a "Slytherin". Aww Amy I want to give you a big embrace right now because I am so thrilled. I adopted my father's Slytherin traits instead of upending the tradition. Tell him as well. God, lIf you were present here, I wish you could have seen the expression on Zack's face. He was perplexed, which was kind of funny. When I finished, he had choked on his food. He kept looking at my back as I was eating. He appeared to be a lost puppy.

I also want to tell you that I have met friends here. Rose Parkinson, who is in her second year, is adorable and vivacious. Amy Greengrass is the other person. We may hang out more because she is a first-year student. But since we're all in the same dorm, it's enjoyable.

Since I know you are a true Slytherin, I am eagerly awaiting your arrival so we may enjoy ourselves together.

I really miss you, Amy. Take care of the others at home and give them my greetings.



After finishing her letter, Isabella left her room and headed for the owlery. Someone was once more monitoring her as she left the common area where she taught. But she made the error of not knowing where the owlery located. making her wander aimlessly around the owlery.

She was about to reach at the same stage of tears and prayers, she was on five years ago. But what she didn't knew was,

By sending the same person to save her, only history will be repeated. Only for one of them to remember the other one,  but who.