Bitter Reality

Author's note: 

While reading this Chapter I recommend you listen, "NDA" by Billie Eilish.

Also visit my Instagram handle (_writer_min) for daily updates about my other works. Kindly like, follow and share my content with others too.

Happy reading ♡

When Isabella heard Tom's obnoxious words, she was shocked. She opened her mouth to speak, but the brunette hissed when Tom firmly pressed her right shoulder against the wall. Hearing her moans, Tom's eyes light up with joy. As he maliciously states, "See this is what you are," she squealed as he put pressure on her shoulder. She looks at him in shock at his sudden outburst, "Helpless, pathetic, and whiny" She was unaffected by his remarks. She simply desired to be acknowledged for the reasons he is treating her in that manner. She was deep in thought when Tom yelled, "Look at me," at her face. She opened her eyes immediately and raised her head to meet his intense gaze. He was looking at her in the serious eye. In addition, she matched his ferocity. "What the actual heck happened to you, Tom Marvalo Riddle?" she yelled at him as he was about to say something.

Riddle was surprised by her sudden yell; he furrowed his brows in retaliation, moved closer to her, and then growled at her, "What did you say?" After sternly staring into his eyes, Isabella responds by saying, "No, please elaborate on what you just said and describe your fucking issue''

As he grabs her by the throat and makes her choke on her breath as he does so, Tom is now fuming with rage. She tries to push him away with her hands, but he keeps putting more pressure on her as he cruelly says, "You don't know who I am and what I can do. On the very first day, I told you to stay away from me. Can you not hear this little head of yours?'' Isabella listened to everything he was thinking while taking in a lot of air and being attentive.  "I am asking you something, bloody witch," she said as he continued to press her throat and spit venom on her face. She hesitates to look at him as she flinches at his sudden high voice. As she struggled to properly breathe, a thin line of tears formed under her eyes. She tries to say something, but she stops because she can't breathe, and the pressure is too much. She was concerned that she would faint and likely pass away if he did not stop at that moment.

Tom felt her throat tighten under his palms as she gulped heavily, giving him a feeling of dominance as he watched her struggle to speak, but her next words made him frown. Hearing her last words, he tightened his grip on her throat and growled, "What did you say?" as he pushed her hard against the wall once more. " not... obliged to listen to are no one to me" , "No one? Who am I not? The one is me. I am the present". He paused as he observed her smirk as she mocked him, "Future?... If you want betterment of yourself, listen to me". "Seriously...You speak... too highly of yourself," she said, not realizing she was wrong but maintaining her jovial demeanor. As he responds, "You have no fucking idea what you are talking about and you will regret it, listen to me," Tom's eyes turn bloodshot at her statement. He takes another breath as she chokes on her laugh and says, "Little did we both know i listened to you" As a result, her smirk widened as she stared at him in triumph over the sudden shock.

"Well... you told me... to stay away from... you... I did that... not in a good way though... but you did... so do I... now I am more far... from you..." she continued after accepting his silence as an answer to continue. Her words made Tom reflect on all the things he had done to her. He loosens his grip on her neck unintentionally, and Isabella seizes the opportunity to further stun him. He gently raised his head to look at her, hands still on her neck, but he says, "No, you don't" with ferocity. "You ignored my advice. You will not be associated with my allies if you did''. She raised her eyebrows in response to his words and asked inquisitively, "Who?" She looks at him and asks, "Who are you talking about?" once more.

Tom makes a brief sideways turn and then looks deeply into his eyes as he asks, "Abraxas..." to which she did not respond. He then asks, "What were you doing with him?" She continued to glare at him, laughing at his face the same way, clutching her stomach, and giving him chills. "Riddle, are you seriously insane? You act like you're just jealous, which is understandable, but you're threatening me here?" She laughs and says, "Honestly, you are something else..." He looks at her in disbelief and says, "No, you are wrong. That is unlike anything else. You are overthinking, you-''. As Isabella chirped once more, "Okay, but "Jealousy" it is" he was unable to finish his sentence. As he says, "You should have told me you don't like anyone," she laughed once more before pausing to take a breather. "You prefer to watch me suffer by myself, but boy, was this too much?" Tom quickly placed his wand on her throat and threw her back against the wall, feeling ashamed of himself internally.

"At first, I thought I should leave your irritated ass alone, but you are truly determined to be destroyed. Therefore, I'll do it for you" He growls on her face, "I will kill you now to end this whole fuss," but Isabella just smirks and says, "You can't" As she gives him a provocative look, his orbs explode in rage. He says, "I can, and I will" with gritted teeth. She smiles and says, "Oh, let's see."

Tom tries to scare her by banging on the wall behind her, but she just smirks at him. He was even more irritated as she smiled triumphantly. I just can't keep up with it. He said, "I can't bear your obnoxious self near me" pointing his wand at her forehead. "Ah... here we go again" she said with a wink. ''Black, I'm serious this time. I'm going to kill you right now." She slyly looks at him, furiously nods her head in agreement, and then says, "We will see" pressing her lips together. She looks at him with her hands folded over her chest. He opened his mouth to cast the spell, but she grabbed her wand quickly enough to cast the "Stupefy" spell, resulting in his fall to the other side of the hall. Tom was absolutely shocked when he was flown back to the wall and hissed at the sudden pain as he fell to his knees. While she is rolling her wand, she looks up at her and says, "I told you can't" as she does so. ''You're only exerting yourself. You won't be able to see how simple it was for me to cast a spell on me''. Tom looks at her with sternness and says, "You foul witch, you think too much-."

"You were unable to do so''. However, Isabella intervenes and demands, "Then prove me wrong. Make use of that bloody spell." He asked, "You know you are talking about killing curse?" as he looked at her dead in the eyes. You will perish.

She doesn't fear death or getting killed, so something in him snaps. How is it possible to be so fearless? They are discussing death, and she is perfectly content to accept it. He tells her, admiring her bravery, "You are insane." He also found it irritating that he always managed to surprise him. She was so familiar with him after all these years. Indeed, he was envious. He did not find it enjoyable or satisfying to watch her with Abraxas. He was irritated to see the two people he had never met before becoming friends with one another. He desired her to leave him or suffer by herself. When Isabella spoke again, it was confirmed that he knew it was a sick thought.

"Make one thing clear, Riddle: you have no authority over me. I can do anything I want to do entirely on my own. The best part about Abraxas is that I can meet anyone I want. Lastly, if you believe that I was afraid of you, please leave me alone to protect my poor life. Nah, boy, that's totally wrong. Due to your diplomacy and toxic personality, I left you. What you can do once you learn about someone else's problems is just beyond me". She said, "You are just a pathetic person that uses someone's misery to satisfy his sadistic self, you-" He aboundingly stares at her, and she says, "You are just a pathetic person that uses someone's misery to satisfy his sadistic self, you-"

She couldn't finish her sentence because the next thing she saw was Tom quickly getting up on his feet, and green emitted from his wand, and there she falls—dead in front of Tom Riddle.