Chapter 04

After school, when the bell had just rung, Mentari immediately said goodbye to Yunifer and Vivi.

This afternoon, she had already made plans to sleep until her father came home from the company. Physically and mentally, she was very tired because of Senja, especially mentally. So, to prevent unwanted things such as sudden loss of her sanity, Mentari will rest her brain and heart.

However, a plan remains a plan.

While on the way to the school gate, from the direction of the BK room, Senja Alexandro appeared. The man looked at Mentari and waved, telling Mentari to come closer. Mentari groaned inwardly and forced a smile. A smile that was considered normal by her. Reluctantly, Mentari dragged her feet to the BK room, where Senja was waiting, smiling and cross his arms. What else can she do? It's still in the school environment and the mask must not come off.

"What's the matter, Sir?" asked Mentari in a tone as calm and cute as possible. Oh, let's not forget the expression on her face that gives the impression that she is a good girl who is very cute and adorable, and would never be able to cause trouble or mistakes. Of course the fact is far from that. Only God knows the truth. "I happen to have a very urgent business and must go home immediately."

In other words, Mentari doesn't want to deal with Senja anymore for today. She had to stock up on her energy first so she could fight again with that annoying teacher.

"My pen, Mentari." Senja took a deep breath and opened his right palm. "The pen I put on your table earlier."

Ah... those expensive pen. Mentari nodded repeatedly. She took off her backpack, then reached into the things inside the backpack. Then, Mentari and Senja heard the sound of cell phones ringing. Both of them looked at the BK room which was left open.

"My cell phone is ringing," said Senja. He then simply went inside with his hands in his trouser pockets. "Follow me, Mentari. And put my pen on my desk."

Mentari snorted and followed Senja. Luckily, there were no other students around, so no one would be able to hear her snort just now and see the look on her face that was already sullen. As soon as she had set her feet in Senja Alexandro's area—this was BK room, so Mentari assumed that this room was the man's private area—Mentari immediately jumped and blinked when she heard the Senja's screams who was talking to someone on the phone.

"I already told you, that all the work is none of my business! I've done what I needed to do and the rest has absolutely nothing to do with me! Please don't disturb my time with other pointless things! If you really can't do it, you can immediately resign and leave the job to someone who understands better!"

Mentari's eyebrows raised one. Why is Senja talking like he has other jobs out there? Isn't he a teacher who has to stand by at school for six days straight from morning to evening? So, it's impossible for Senja to work on Sundays, right? Are there any companies or offices that operate on Sundays? And again, Senja told that person to resign?

Senja, who was massaging the bridge of his nose and sighed heavily from his anger just now, just realized that Mentari was in the room. He also realized that his screams just now must have taken Mentari by surprise, even those outside his room probably could hear too. Finally, the man ordered Mentari to close the door using a signal, which Mentari immediately obeyed. Then, Senja pointed to the sofa, telling Mentari to sit there and wait for him.

"I don't want to hear any more excuses," said Senja in a final tone. "If there are still complaints, please just contact Mr. Bryan. I have a lot of work and a lot of problem. Then I'll hang up the phone. Good afternoon." Senja immediately threw his cellphone on the table, making Mentari glare and freeze in her place. Senja's cell phone is an expensive phone. It wasn't enough for Mentari to wonder how Senja could buy such an expensive cell phone with his salary, now Mentari was also surprised by Senja throwing the phone as if he didn't care if it was damaged.


Mentari blinked and shifted her gaze from Senja's poor cellphone to Senja who was already approaching her. Her brow furrowed and her smug face began to show. For some reason, her brain had reflexively programmed itself to continue being mean in front of her teacher.

"So?" Mentari repeated in a tone of not understanding.

Senja took a deep breath and shrugged. The man then bent down and aligned his face with Mentari's face, until Mentari was forced to back her face. Mentari even reflex to hold her breath. Even though Mentari is very resentful of Senja, Senja is still a young man with a face that, err, Mentari must admit, does look handsome. Of course, Mentari's heart skips wildly. In the seventeen years she had lived in this world, she had never been in such close proximity with the opposite sex, except for her father.

Damn Senja! Contaminated Senja! Perverted Senja and millions of other negative names for this damn man in front of her!

"My pen, Mentari Jingga." Senja snorted and straightened himself. He opened his right palm and Mentari immediately said 'ah' without a sound. She hastily took the pen from the pencil case in the backpack. And when Mentari was about to hand over the pen, her eyes widened. She gasped and all of a sudden, Mentari was already standing on the sofa screaming, making Senja jump.

"Arrrgh! Sir! Mr. Senja! That, Sir! That! That! The creepy creature!"

"Huh?" Senja frowned and looked around. "What are you doing? Do you want to prank on me or what? I will not be deceived, Mentari. And, just so you know, I'm not afraid of ghosts because I don't believe in their existence." Senja held out his right hand again. "Where's my pen, Mentari?

"Oh Lord! Sir! I'm not talking about ghosts! It's a creature that more terrifying and creepy than a ghost, Sir! Stubborn creature, refuses to die! It can even trick us by pretending to be dead, but if we let our guard down a bit, It'll definitely run away!" screamed Mentari hysterically as she jumped up and down and pointed at the wall behind Senja. "That, Sir! The cockroaches are ready to fly! Arrrgh!"

Hearing that, Senja immediately paled and turned quickly towards the wall pointed by Mentari. Senja's whole body immediately got goosebumps and turned cold, and Senja immediately screamed as she jumped onto the sofa and stood next to Mentari.

"Arrrgh! Shoo! Shoo! Go away! What an annoying creature!" Senja made an expelling motion using his hands. The man who usually looks arrogant, cold, annoying and authoritative is now letting go of all those traits and turning into a normal man in Mentari's eyes. Mentari, who was even afraid when she saw the cockroach, now gapes at the sight of Senja hiding behind her body while staring in horror at the cockroach.

"Damn it! Where did that cockroach come from?" Senja groans. His body was shaking. Since childhood, he was very afraid and hated cockroaches because of the behavior of his cousins. "Mentari! Why are you just silent?! Get rid of the cockroaches!"

Only then did Mentari wake up and blink. "Oh! You should be the one who kicked it out! This is your room! And you're a man! It should be you who chased away those horrible cockroaches!"

Mentari and Senja glared at each other and simultaneously stared at the cockroaches on the wall. Both of them could have sworn that the cockroach smirked at them to mock them, making Mentari and Senja even more pale and screaming madly.

"Arrrgh! Go away! Go away!"

Today, the cockroaches managed to make a riot in Senja's room and managed to make Senja and Mentari run out of energy.