Chapter 06

"By the way, when I was about to come here, in front of the school gate, there were many students who gathered and laughed incoherently. Then, their cheeks slightly blushed. What's the matter? Are celebrities plans to come here?"

The question from Awan made Senja's eyebrows raise one. Right now, Senja, Mentari and Awan were sitting in Senja's room while enjoying warm sweet tea and pastries. Because their energy have been drained by a cockroach that almost devoured it—well, Senja and Mentari really like using hyperbole figure of speech—Senja decides to ask Mentari to drink tea together so that the girl's strength and energy can rise again.

"As far as I know, there are no plans or anything like that," said Senja. He chewed his pastries again and took a sip of his sweet tea. "Maybe they want to meet guys from other schools."

Even though Mentari is with them, Senja doesn't care when he has to use the non formal language with his close friend. After all, it was after school hours and there were only three of them in this room. He also talks like that with other people, but not with his fellow teachers or with his students.

"Oh, that's a member of the SF club, Sir, Uncle," said Mentari in a lazy tone. Even though she was sullen, Mentari still chewed the pastries with enthusiasm. She could also feel her strength slowly returning. You damn cockroach. Don't blame her if until this moment, Mentari still feels a burning grudge against the creature.

"SF club?" asked Senja and Awan at the same time. The two looked at each other and turned their attention back to Mentari.

"I just heard that there is a club or extracurricular activity with that name," said Senja. He leaned back and folded his arms across his chest. "Besides, a club with a strange name like that will definitely be known to the teachers. But, why don't I know it at all?"

"Perhaps you were ostracized by the other teachers?" Mentari shrugged and smirked. "Who knows?"

Senja blinked and the next second he snorted. If he had to reply to her again, all the energy and strength that had begun to accumulate, would be wasted again in vain. On the other hand, Awan really likes the cat and dog-style interaction shown by Senja and his student. Awan felt that Mentari was able to handle the harsh, cold and indifferent nature of Senja. Should he step in and play matchmaker to bring the two together? However, their ages are very different. Awan himself doesn't care about the age difference. If you love, then love all you want. To hell with age. However, other people will definitely look at Senja with judgmental eyes if Senja gets close to or even likes Mentari. Perhaps it would be best if Awan make his move in silence.

"That SF club," said Mentari, when she realized the look on her teacher's face, like he's ready to attack her with his claws. "Stands for Senja Fans Club. That's a group of people who are fans of Mr. Senja. They created the club using empty, unused classes, and all the things and information about Mr. Senja, including Mr. Senja's photos, are there."

"What?!" exclaimed Senja, blinking and then his eyes wide open. "Then, they are stalked me! This really can't be ignored. I have to meet all of them and scold them."

"Oh, come on, Dude," Awan groaned. The man hit Senja's shoulder, making Senja wince and hiss while Mentari tilted her head. "Let them be your fans. When else can you be popular among these beautiful and cute girls? I don't see any problem."

"Ever heard of privacy, Wan?" asked Senja in a bitter tone. He rubbed his shoulders and stood up from the sofa. Then, Senja walked to the small refrigerator in the corner of the room and took a coke from there. "I'm not a celebrity. I'm their teacher. Teacher at this school. They should be able to understand that."

"But, Sir, they idolize you. You should be happy, right?" Mentari scratched her temple with her index finger. "Well, although I also have to admit that their actions have gone too far." The girl then took a deep breath and looked down at her vibrating cell phone. An incoming message from her father made Mentari realize that she had been in Senja's room long enough. "Oh my, it's five o'clock in the evening! Because of the cockroaches and these cookies, I'm stuck here. This is all Mr. Senja's fault!"

"Why are you blaming me?" Senja grumbled while frowning. "What a weird girl."

"What if you go home with me and Senja?" ask Awan. "We also ready to go. Don't worry, you won't be taken to strange places. Apart from that I can't possibly do that to high school girl because I like sexy girls who are certainly more experienced, there's also Senja who's a teacher and can't possibly do anything despicable."

"Err..." Actually, it was an interesting offer. If she take the offer, Mentari doesn't need to pay a taxi to go home. After all, Awan was right. What should Mentari be afraid of while Senja is with them? Her teacher couldn't possibly do anything to her. What's more, Senja is very annoyed with her and often looks for trouble with her, right? And, Awan himself said he only likes experienced sexy girls, not high school brats like her. "Alright. If it doesn't bothering you guys."

"Absolutely not." Awan smiled reassuringly and nodded with a thumbs up.

Seeing that, Senja could only sigh heavily and massage the bridge of his nose. The man then cleaned up all the things on the table and said, "Then, you just wait in front of the mini market across from the school. Let's not invite the suspicion of other students, if they are still around the school. I don't want to be accused of treating you special."

Mentari grinned widely and nodded. The girl then said goodbye to Senja and Awan, then left the room humming. When he was alone with Awan, Senja realized his friend was smiling while looking at him with an annoying look.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" asked Senja in an annoyed tone. He put three cup of tea on the floor, in the corner of the room. He will wash it tomorrow.

"Wait another year. Judging from her age, she seemed to be seventeen years old. Even so, you still have to wait for her to graduate high school."

Senja's brow furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"Relax, I as a friend, will always support you. Besides, what's wrong with girls who are much younger than us? She is beautiful and cute. And most importantly, she can match your nature."

Senja click his tongue and throws his backpack at Awan who immediately catches it and laughing loudly.

"Once again you talk carelessly like that, I will make your life miserable, Awan Nugraha!"

"Ugh, scared...." Awan teased. However, the man finally stopped teasing Senja because his best friend seemed to be more fierce than usual. Is there something that Senja is thinking about?

Awan's steps stopped and his forehead hit Senja's back, when his best friend suddenly stopped walking. Awan rubbed his forehead and frowned. Then, he looked at the direction that Senja was staring at and understood what made Senja suddenly stop even to the point of clenching his hands at his sides like this.

"Whoa, whoa, Sen? Calm down, okay? They're just normal high school kids, so—"

However, Awan's words were ignored by Senja. Because, the next second that Awan knew, Senja had approached Mentari who was being harassed by three boys in high school uniforms in front of the mini market.

"Hey! Let go of my student's hands right now!" Senja ordered in a cold tone.