Chapter 20

Mentari froze in her place.

She did not expect that Mila loves Senja Alexandro, their own teacher. It's not that Mentari forbids it. Everyone has the right to love other people. It's just that, if Mila really loves Senja, why is Mila jealous of her? She didn't love Senja. Mentari only sees Senja as a teacher. If Mila loves Senja, Mila should wait until she graduates from school. And again, according to Mentari, it is impossible for Senja to accept a declaration of love from a student.

"You love Mr. Senja and you are jealous of me? Hey! I have absolutely no feelings for Mr. Senja! I only think of him as a teacher that I have to respect. Only that. If you love Mr. Senja, why are you bothering other people too? Why don't you just bother me?!" Mentari screamed with emotion. She doesn't like other people getting involved because of her.

"Like I said, all of you rich people really piss me off. I hate rich people whose hobby is showing off their wealth. You may not be like them, but you are the person I really hate for getting the attention of the guy I love!"

Mentari was not ready when Mila attacked her. The girl slapped her and grabbed Mentari's hair. Screaming in pain, Mentari tried to escape. She grabbed Mila's hair, then kicked her in the stomach. Of course not at full strength, but able to make Mila groan and fall. When Mila looked up to look at Mentari, her eyes were filled with hate.

Mentari was panting, looking at Mila with a look of pain and disbelief. Her hair was a mess and her cheeks were red. It even hurts from Mila's slap just now. Mentari's heart was beating so hard, it made Mentari suffocate. The corner of Mentari's lips was bleeding, maybe because she was bitten by her own lip because of Mila's slap just now.

"You're mentally ill, Mila!" cried Mentari. "You really are mentally ill!"

"Yes! I'm mentally ill! Why?! You don't like it?!" Mila laughed loudly and stood up. She combed her hair with her fingers, then pointed at Mentari. "And all because of your presence! Because you are always by Mr. Senja's side! If only you weren't around Mr. Senja, maybe I wouldn't intend to harm you right now."

Mentari was silent when she saw a knife taken out of Mila's backpack. The knife gleamed in the light from the garden lamp. Then, Mentari saw Mila grinning, then laughed loudly.

"Mentari Jingga! You will suffer tonight! Oh, don't worry. I won't kill you. I will only torture you and make you regret for bothering me and want to take the person I love."

Mentari gasped when she saw Mila running towards her pointing the knife at her. The girl couldn't dodge in time and could only close her eyes tightly. However, after waiting for some time, nothing happened. Mentari dared to open her eyes and gasped. She widened her eyes when she saw a sturdy back protecting her. The back belongs to Senja Alexandro, her own teacher.

Senja Alexandro immediately ran when he saw Mentari about to be stabbed by Mila. He immediately caught the knife with his own palm until fresh blood came out of it. Seeing that, Mila immediately froze and released the knife. Then, Senja released the knife from his palm, then threw it far away. The pain was ignored by Senja. His eyes stared coldly at Mila. Then, Senja turned towards Mentari over his shoulder.

"Are you all right, Mentari?" asked Senja. Mentari could only nod and could not say anything. When she saw Senja's bloody hand, Mentari's eyes widened and she quickly grabbed the hand.

"Sir! Mr. Senja's hand is bleeding! We must quickly treat your hand!" cried Mentari in a panicked tone.

"It's okay," said Senja. He slowly withdrew his hand and looked back at Mila. "And you, Mila. I really didn't think that you were the mastermind behind all this. You want to harm your own friend?"

"Friend? Friend?!" shouted Mila. She laughed again and was now crying. "She's not my friend! She's already snatched your attention from me, Sir! She wants to take you from me! I love you, Sir! I am the only one who truly loves you in this world."

Senja clenched his jaw. He was confused about what to do. The guy couldn't believe that one of his students was so obsessed with him that she had the heart to do evil things to her friends.


The shout made Mentari and Senja turn their heads. Vivi, Awan and Yunifer ran towards the two and looked at Mila with furrowed brows. Then, Awan immediately approached Senja and checked his bloody hand.

"This must be treated immediately so it doesn't get infected, Sen," said Awan, reminding his friend. "We have to go to the hospital."

"Later, after this matter is over."


"Awan, shut up." Senja cut Awan's sentence and gave him a sharp look. "Didn't you see that she almost harmed Mentari? She's crossed the line. She should be taken to the police and a psychiatrist."

"Mentari!" shouted Mila. She took something from her jacket pocket and showed it to Mentari. Mentari immediately stared with her wide eyes. Her late mother's necklace. "You're looking for this, right? This is something valuable to you, right? I'll return it."

After that, Mila threw the necklace all the way to the other side of the park. It disappeared behind the grass in the darkness. Seeing this, Mentari immediately ran to find her necklace and had to pass Mila. When Mentari passed Mila, Mila immediately took the opportunity. She pushed Mentari until Mentari fell and sat on Mentari's body. Then, Mila strangled Mentari.

"You have to suffer, Mentari! You have to suffer!"

Mentari tried to fight back, but she couldn't breathe. Then, she saw Vivi and Yunifer pulling Mila until Mila managed to release Mentari. While coughing, Mentari saw Awan holding Mila who wrestled to let herself go and Vivi slapped Mila with her full strength. Then, Mentari could feel someone's warm embrace. As soon as she turned around, Senja was the one who was hugging her tightly.

"Mentari! Are you all right?" the guy asked in a panicked and worried tone.

Still coughing, Mentari nodded. "I'm fine, Sir. The necklace… I have to find the necklace…."

Senja nodded. "We'll find the necklace together." Senja then looked at Yunifer who was trying to calm Vivi because Vivi intended to attack Mila for hurting Mentari. "Yunifer, please call the police station and explain what happened."

Mentari stood up with the help of Senja. Then, she ran into the darkness, the place where the necklace had been thrown. Mentari didn't even realize that she was crying. Her head hurt from having her hair pulled tightly, her cheeks hurt from being slapped, her knees hurt from being pushed down and her neck hurt from being strangled. But, Mentari doesn't care.


The call made Mentari turn around and cover her mouth with both hands. Her tears were flowing. In front of her, Senja smiled gently while holding a necklace that glowed in the darkness.

"Your necklace. As I promised, I managed to find it for you."

Without hesitation, Mentari immediately ran and hugged Senja while thanking him repeatedly.