Girl and Herb

The scenery around was blurry due to the purple fog, so Ryoichi held the breath and carefully searched for the person. He thought the person would not go off the shore very far. Even with the helmet, the air made him almost throw up a few times. To ease the sickness, he would run back to the sea and bury his head into the water, gasping a few times, and then go back to the land.

"Hey…" He wanted to call out to that person, but he was afraid there might be some other danger in the unknown land, so he lowered the voice, "come baaaaack~ It's not safe, bro~"

No one answered.

The nausea was getting more serious. At the time when he was about to give up, thinking that person might already faint or die somewhere, he noticed the glimmer.

Stepping forward, he saw a person kneeling down to the ground, in front of whom there seemed to be some green herb. That stranger wanted to pull up the grass, but the green herb turned to gray and withered as soon as it left the soil. Then, seemingly with no choice, that person prepared a running posture, and then took off his own helmet and used it to restore both the herb and soil.

"No!" Ryoichi yelled while sprinting. He understood in this situation, taking off the helmet was almost equal to suicide. It was impossible to run to the sea from this distance.

At this time, the stranger who was starting to run finally noticed him and looked at him. By the moonlight, Ryoichi saw it clear that it was a lady instead of a man with her hair tied up.

"Jonathan? You came for me!" She burst into tear and tried to come over, but being straightly exposed to the air made her unstable. From running to wobbling, finally she fell down in front of Ryoichi with the herb in her arms.

"Crap!" Ryoichi took his own helmet off and put it on her, while holding the breath. He held the herb on his left arm, picked her up, and walked back to the sea.

Taking a person with him was unlike running by himself. The road seemed to become double longer and the fog also became tricky, confusing the direction.

Ryoichi could not hold the breath anymore, so that he inevitably inhaled a little bit. The poison also started to function in his brain. The feet began to falter and the burden on shoulder became heavier. Even the sight was obscurer.

'I might not be able to make it. I'll die here in another plain life.' He thought, and it looked like he saw his dad.

"Hey, old man. I think we'll finally meet in heaven, while in this world I don't even know there is heaven or not."

"My son," the illusion was too vivid as if he was standing right besides, "can't let go is one the bitterness of life. So put her down. Take your helmet. You'll still have change to live."

"My son," another illusion appeared, "Let it go. Just let it go. Let her go and also let yourself go. Why still insist? It's just another plain life, so why don't you just give up?"

'You're right,' Ryoichi thought, his feet were heavy but did not stop, "it's another plain and ordinary life, so far. But I never thought of giving up. Life is still a box of chocolate to me. As long as I'm alive, I still get a chance. In fact, not dying and reincarnating in this world is another chance, a second life. How many people on earth can have such opportunity? Just me! You're not my real dad, and you're wrong! He always told me to be a good and strong person in heart!"

He put forth his strength and stepped forward, and his feet finally felt the water!

Crying for joy, he at this time took the helmet and plunged into the sea with the girl.

Coming back to the sea made him feel obviously better, so as for the girl, who didn't wake up but started to mumble.

Ryoichi took her to a large coral to have some rest before heading back. He carefully laid her down and then lied on the other side to observe the herb.

It was not like the grass he ever knew before, but fluorescent. He was surprised that such grass could grow up in such bad air situation, but then he thought maybe because plants could clean the air.

As such thoughts were filling up his mind, a figure got closer to him and hugged him from the back.

The girl!

"Jonathan, my dearest brother, I love you, I love you so much. Why you always focus on Katharina? Why don't you look at me? Look at me, please. Kiss me. Love me."

"I'm not…"

Before Ryoichi explained, the soft lips covered his mouth. Although there was a membrane-like helmet between, he still felt the warmth and soft. The girl seemed to get highly affected by the air so that she mistook him as her lover. He wanted to escape, but the poison air also made him too weak to push her away. Moreover, the girl was surprisingly powerful. And her touch also took his strength gradually.

'Fuck, whatever,' he thought, 'there's no way to refuse such beauty in this situation. Didn't expect what S taught me could work someday.'

He responded to her kisses, and then turned over and climbed on her. Her silver hair was worn down, floating in the water. Her eyes were dazed, haunted, but joyful. He understood she was looking at another person through him, so he hesitated again.

But she slightly bit her lips, which became redder due to the kisses. Every move of her was designed to draw him into the deepest sin.

Then, the girl took his hands and put them on her chests, and his fingers were sinking in the soft. Two suits were opened in a well time, and two bodies in the blue-black sea were finally melted together.