Visit Pulchritudinem

Ryoichi broke through the net above the Mariana Trench. He came to the edge and saw a familiar face. It was his first friend after he reincarnated in this ocean world. His body was penetrated by a sword and nailed to the ground. His eyes were open and face was pale. The wound on the chest was already rotten, and the carrion spread around the whole body.

"My dear friend, rest in peace." He put his hand on the head of that body. With a single touch, the whole body crumbled to dust. Ryoichi took one handful of it and thought, his friend never got a chance to visit the palace, so he would show him someday.

Say bye to the Trench which was full of misery, he firstly headed to the kingdom Pulchritudinem, which was the source of all misery.

On the road to the palazzo of Pulchritudinem kingdom, Ryoichi saw the difference between this kingdom and the queendom where he lived. In the queendom, the public could still enjoy the light in the far place away from the palace; whereas, in the Pulchritudinem, almost all the public were living down the deep sea. The border of it witnessed iron bastions around.

Ryoichi sneaked into when the iron door opened with a high speed that no one could see. Overlooking the palazzo, an obvious landmark jumped into Ryoichi's eyes. By the first glance, it looked like Pulchritudinum's flag to him. Both sides of it were separately hung up to the two peristeles in front of the palazzo, and the bottom was overhung with a long long rope, the bottom side of which seemed to be a rock.

Get closer and Ryoichi saw it clear. It was not a flag or an item, but a person.

Closer, he saw the face, Katharina.

Ryoichi quickly swam to her. She was half naked, and several strange creatures were climbing over her body. Those creatures were slender and eel shaped.

"Katharina, Katharina, wake up. It's me, Ryoi." He gently patted her face.

Katharina woke up from faint and called his name with a weak voice: "Ryoi…you look different."

"I'll get you out of here. What are these?" By asking, Ryoichi intended to pull those eel-shaped creatures off.

"Don't pull. It hurts. It's arctic lamprey. The vampire under the sea."

Astonished, Ryoichi carefully checked the lamprey. There was one nostril located between the eyes on the top of the head. Its mouth, however, tightly bit the skin of her, just like a vampire sucking for the blood. Every single pull would make it bite tighter. No wonder Katharina asked him not to pull it off.

"Why did they do that? Don't they want you to train the shark army for them? Why did they do that to you?!"

Katharina explained: "I lost the power to establish the connection between ocean creatures, but the king thought I didn't help them on purpose, so they locked me up and fed me with blood, while having the arctic lamprey bite me everyday. They want me surrender."

"Let me see how to get rid of these."

Ryoichi held her right arm and input a Chi to her body. The Chi was actually separated from the Poseidon's power within Ryoichi's body. The Chi worked and migrated within her body, numbing the mouth of each arctic lamprey and bouncing them off.

It was expected to release her pain, but blood gushed from every wound made by the arctic lamprey.

"What? What should I do?!" He cut the ropes that restrained her and was going to take her away, "hold on! I'll take you back to the queendom, to your home, to see Fiona and her kid."

Katharina stopped him: "I couldn't … make it. "

At this time, there seemed like soldiers who found the intruders: "Intruders! Someone's coming for the queen Katharina!"

"Ryoi, go. Leave me. I can feel you're getting stronger. You'll be the hope of the queendom. Go back and take the throne from Jonathan. Protect the queendom and my sister from this. I know you can do it." While saying this, the blood was continuously losing from her body, reddening the blue ocean.

"Believe me, I can get you out of here! I have the power right now. I ain't the worthless anymore."

"Of course, I believe in you. I just can't hold on any longer. "

Soldiers had gathered below, and hundreds of canons were aiming at them.

"One, one last thing, Ryoi. I'm sorry… that I thought you were the traitor. Thank you… for freeing me…"Katharina spitted out the final breath and quietly lay down in his arms.

The soldiers wouldn't leave him much time for grieving.

"Surrender yourself! Or we'll fire!" One soldier who looked like small leader yelled to Ryoichi.

He eyed them coldly and didn't say anything.

The chief was irritated by the silence and ignorance, while he could feel the big power emitted from that single person. He was frightened and in order to hide such fear, he ordered to fire.

The cannonballs rushed to Ryoichi and exploded, making spray that covered both of that two figures.

At this moment, prince Tiberius and Rodin came out of the palazzo. "Fool! What happened? How dare you fire at the direction of the palazzo!"

"Your majesty, one person came to save the queen Katharina!"

"One person? Is one person worthy …" Rodin was about to scold the soldiers but suddenly stopped. He saw something.

The cannonballs fired at this direction didn't hurt the palazzo anymore. Instead, they were blocked with one giant item. Prince Rodin was shocked to silence by the image.

It was a shark, but much bigger, who was opening its bloody mouth and roared to them. The cannonballs shot on it were just like scratch.

Rodin was amazed: "How come the world exists such beautiful creature?! Did the queen do this?!" He carefully looked at two people on top of the creature. No, it was not Katharina. It looked like she didn't move a bit. Who was the other guy? Beautiful body shape like sculpture that he had never seen before.

The soldiers were about to get ready for the second round of fire, while a single sweep of its tail, the megalodon had crushed those obsolete equipments.

"Fool!" Rodin said: "Don't hurt it!"

Tiberius questioned his brother's words: "Rodin! Why? We can't let them go!"

"Isn't that great to have this in our kingdom?! What a great creature of the ocean!"

"You insane? I told you that type of ocean creature army is crap. Just use our utmost firepower and kill them!"

Ryoichi, now, didn't want to bullcrap more with them. He just wanted to take Katharina out of here as soon as possible. As he rode the megalodon to go away, the giant body of it turned around and made wrecks in its path, including the place where stood Tiberius and Rodin.

"Brother, watch out!" Rodin was about to pull his brother to dodge the attack, while he had a second thought. Instead of pulling, he pushed Tiberius to the afterwinds of megalodon.
