Finding William

William failed to return that night and Amira suggested that she go and look for him but the village chief tells her to stay.

"Do not do something foolish, young lady. First thing in the morning, I will personally come with you and look for him." She suggested.

It was already late and they all know the dangers once they step deeper into the forest. Amira followed the village chief's suggestion and wait till morning to look for William but she did not get a single wink of sleep for worrying about him.

"Please be safe." She fold her hands together and hoped that William is alright. The village chief already saw it coming so she decided to accompany Amira while William is away. "Thank goodness I thought about staying here. Who knows what would have happened if I was not here to look out for her? This young lady is willing to put herself in danger." The thinks to herself while sitting on the porch hoping that William returns soon.