Eventful Day II

Reminiscing the events at Hosea made William not want to meet the Tower Masters, but in such a situation that would dishonor his friend, he controls his anger from ever running rampant. The prince quickly pat his shoulder as if he is trying to say that he could leave and does not want to burden William about the current situation. William knew that if he leaves now, he will never be able to gather the courage to face the past and remain seated.

'You knew this day would come. It's better to face this early than regret it later.' William says to himself, determined to face the ones responsible for Mila's bitter death.

Elder Reska who has the most authority among all of them leaves his seat and walks towards William only to surprise them all by kneeling before William which he has not done for the king of the kingdom itself. It is a sight that caught them all off guard and the Tower Masters immediately calls him out for it.