Welcome to EDEN (2) - 3

By the time I got back to the town, I had already leveled up to level 2, which was actually a pretty bad increase. But this was one of the problems with the "Rule Breaker" title, as it also lowered the amount of exp that I could get from killing a monster.

Looking at the tall stone walls of the town, and knowing that my reputation among NPC's was pretty bad right now, I decided that my best option was to scale the wall instead of the uncertainty of interacting with the gatekeeper NPC's.

Rubbing my hands against the bottom rocks of the wall until they were white as the dust rubbed off, effectively chalking my hand, I then started climbing.

It took my a few minutes, but after that, I was able to get the hang of it, and so I started climbing smoothly, feeling the wind blowing my hair to the side as I ascended higher and higher.

Finally, reaching the top, which was about the hight of a 10 story building, I jumped over and landed on the ramparts.

Sneaking into one of the stairwells, I was lucky enough to not meet any NPC's and so I got into the town just fine.

By now, it was late afternoon, and the sun was setting, so I knew that it was about time that I got my first class.

So, you might be wonder, what's the difference between a job and a class?

Well, a job was the basic foundation of your power, like, if you were a brawler, your durability would be your foundation, if you were an assassin, your agility would be your foundation, etc.

As for a mage like me, obviously, our magic was our foundation.

Now, as for classes, they were essentially like skill trees that branched off from the job.

Most classes would have job requirements as it wouldn't make sense for somebody with a mage job to have "Thief" as their class.

Also, another difference between a job and a class was that a job was free, and you could attain it just by choosing it, but if you wanted to change your class, you would almost always have to go on a quest or even a chain quest to change your class.

But, as always, there were some exceptions.

You see, the legendary class that I was going after right now was a weird one.

I had first come across it in this obscure article about the death of a player.

It was rumored that this player had received a class change quest for a legendary class, but that, he had failed it in less than a second.

This player was later killed mysteriously, but it seemed like nobody had been able to attain the legendary class.

Intrigued, I had dived in deeper into this mystery and found out that at one point, one of the big guilds had activated a sleeper team to try and attain the class, but, they were never successful.

So now, being the risk taking bastard that I was, I would try and obtain this class.

I mean, if the quest was this hard, then it would most definitely be one of the most powerful legendary classes out there.

So, I started heading towards the Trinket Zone of Kepler.

The Trinket Zone was an area of Kepler that housed many, many different shops and buildings all dedicated to the invention of new and interesting trinkets.

Of course, at this point in the game, most wouldn't even have a tenth of the money to buy any of the products from the Trinket Zone, so when I arrived, I found that I was the only player there.

Then, I started searching.

The only information that I had about the building that housed this class change was that it was somewhere in a back alley, and that it had the symbol of the moon on some stained glass on the outside of it.

So, using the ultimate virtue of patience that I had learned whilst in the mines, I started methodically searching each and every back alley in the Trinket Zone.

But then, I found it.

And honestly, I was a little skeptical.

After all, the "house" was more akin in size to that of a small shack.

But, not wanting to waste this opportunity, I immediately knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Asked a lithe voice from inside.

I listened as the distinctive sound of heels clacking on hard floor resounded, for a suspiciously long time at that, before I heard a mechanism behind the door being opened, and I was allowed a view of the insides.

"Oh... You're an otherworlder."

Looking down in surprise at the NPC, no, person who had said this, I found, well, not quite a loli, but an adult that was pretty short, about 165 cm, who was wearing all black, and had weird glasses on that had multiple lenses on it that could be interchanged.

But, the reason I was surprised was because she had used the specific term of, "otherworlder" to describe me.

You see, at this point in the game, when the AI hadn't become sentient yet, most NPC's just looked at players as regular "people".

But, after the change, most NPC's, who had now become "people", had started referring to players as "otherworlders".

So, taking history, or well, the future as an example, I could only conclude that this person was a bug in the game, an NPC that had become sentient way earlier than the other ones.

"Well, since you're the first one, that means that you're here accidentally, but, the building will test you anyways, so step right in."

I was snapped back out of my thoughts, but did what she asked and placed a foot into the shack.


My heart stopped, before beating louder than ever before.


Blood started rushing to my head, and I lost track of all directions and my bearings.


I collapsed on what I thought was the ground.

Slowly blacking out, I looked up, only to see that the little lady was smiling evilly.

"Otherworlders will always get what they deserve." Mused the lady.

Those words were the last things I comprehended before I was thrown into the darkness.