Golden goose

" The Grand dowager Empress really likes to eat sweet things, her favourite colours are black, navy blue and purple," Zhai Tianyu was indeed thrown off by what Liu Hui Ying said but soon he picked himself up and started to go on and on about what the Grand dowager Empress liked and what she didn't like a good husband. 

Liu Hui Ying on the other hand hummed accordingly but inwardly she was cursing the emperor. She has sent her ghost servants to see around the palace earlier and they have risen to the task amazingly, after all, if they were going to stay in this place then it was better to know the enemy base properly and from the information that her ghost employees have collected—— the Grand dowager  Empress hated everything that was sweet and she almost killed one of her maids when she bought a bolt of black cloud silk. 

Apparently, the grand dowager Empress lost her daughter a few years ago and she started hating the colour black and white from then on.