Pig blood.

Zhai Tianyu did not say anything about bringing gold and silver to her, instead, he took a pouch from his sleeves and threw it at Liu Hui Ying who caught it looking excited. " What is this? Are you already paying me? I knew you were a smart man."

But then her praise stopped as she tugged the pouch open and then looked down at the red and coppery-smelling liquid that was inside the pouch, stunned she looked up at Zhai Tianyu and asked, " What is the meaning of this? Do you want me to spill your blood is that what are you asking me to do?" 

" You will be having your virginity test tomorrow," replied Zhai Tianyu as he pointed at the white sheets that Qui Ai and Nanny Gong has spread over her bed. " Strictly speaking today was supposed to be our wedding night and with me coming here you will be tested. In case the sheets do not have drops of blood then you will be counted as impure."