Face off

Liu Hui Ying did not want to get into trouble but that did not mean that trouble won't come looking for her. The palace did have a garden that was only exclusive to the women of the harem but the garden was exclusive to every woman in the harem!

When Liu Hui Ying arrived at the garden that was covered with flowers, she had to admit that the garden was indeed beautiful. With flowers like roses and peonies fluttering in the soft breeze of the summer, it was a wonderful place to relax. Even Jia Li and the others liked it a lot, they swooped down on the floor and then started to look around the garden asking Liu Hui Ying to spread her spiritual energy around such that they will be able to smell the flowers as well. 

Though Liu Hui Ying was petty when it came to spending money, she treated her ghosts rather nicely which was why the three even after having so many complaints about Liu Hui Ying stayed with her for so many years.