I said move

" Your majesty! You are finally here!" Qui Ai who was looking for Liu Hui Ying caught sight of Liu Hui Ying and heaved a sigh of relief. She has been looking for Liu Hui Ying for so long but she couldn't find her, the palace was so big and there was no way that she alone could find Liu Hui Ying in such a big place. 

" Where did you go? I was so scared! Your majesty——" Qui Ai paused when she saw that something was wrong with Liu Hui Ying, though she was smiling something was very wrong about that smile and why was the entire place getting so cold all of a sudden? 

" Your majesty, is everything all right?" Nanny Gong caught a stitch in the side of her waist and was taken to the courtyard and now that Qui Ai was alone, she was a bit worried upon seeing her mistress like this. What was going on? What happened in just a small period of time? 

She only left her missy alone for a few minutes!