Dowager Empress call (part2)

" Yes, nanny Gong," the maid bowed her head and walked out of the room just as Empress dowager's mammy, Shi Luo walked inside Liu Hui Ying's living room. 

She might have been in her fifties but she was sturdy and didn't lack the vigour of a young woman either. Mammy Shi walked inside and came to a stop in front of Liu Hui Ying before she bowed her head and greeted Liu Hui Ying, " This one greets you, your majesty." 

" You may rise," Though Liu Hui Ying was a bit uncomfortable with the fact that someone from the Empress dowager's palace came looking for her, she still gulped her nervousness. 

" Her Majesty, the Empress dowager has invited you to her courtyard," No sooner did Mammy Shi straighten up, she relayed the reason for her arrival. 

When Liu Hui Ying heard her words, she found it hard to stop herself from frowning. What was with this Empress dowager? The least she could do was to let her take a breather why was she in such a hurry to call her?