what are you thinking ?

Oh, she was smart, Liu Hui Ying thought in her head. In fact, she didn't want to help Zhai Chenguang without bullying the grand dowager empress for a good deal of her time but who would have thought that the grand dowager empress's heart was this weak, she fainted with something so small? She wanted to have some more fun with her and now that she has fainted so easily, it will take some time for her to convince Zhai Chenguang to continue with her scare tactics. 

Yes, if she wanted she could have helped the grand dowager empress and Zhai Chenguang but she wasn't a kind woman. She was not her foolish sister who will help just anyone as long as they were in need of her help, she was petty and vengeful. Since the grand dowager empress treated her so casually why should she make her daughter's case her priority? 

Her priority was to get away from this place and as for the rest of things, they were her side chicks.