she refused to tell me

" So what did she say?" Zhai Heng asked as soon as Zhai Tianyu walked inside the study room of his palace, his expression looked rather sombre but he also looked a bit flustered as he strode towards his study table. His pace was hurried and there was a hint of red at the back of his neck but because Zhai Heng and Yu Lingyun were looking at his back, they did not notice the redness on the back of Zhai Tianyu's neck. 

Zhai Tianyu was indeed really flustered, he has never been teased by a woman before but today Liu Hui Ying treated him like a little boy and asked him to stay put, a part of him wanted to retort but then he was stopped by his aunt and the three ghosts who told him silently that it was better for him to silently accept what she was telling him to do.