A new crush?

" Your majesty!" 

"Your majesty, please watch what you are saying!" Both Qui Ai and Zhai Heng were stunned when they heard what Liu Hui Ying said, was she trying to get them into trouble or what? If someone was to hear what she said and took it in the wrong manner then there will be another round of trouble for them. 

Zhai Heng shivered after just thinking about the kind of scandal this will make—— Brother of the Emperor stabs him in the back, and falls in love with the Queen! He will never hear the end of this! And more importantly, he wasn't even here to confess his love! 

Even though he knew that his brother will not blame him but just the rumours alone were scary enough for him to look at the Queen in fear and condemnation, did she really have no idea what she was doing or was this her plan? Now that she cannot make Zhai Tianyu fall for her, she was aiming for him.