Zhai Chenguang’s tomb

" You are thinking too much," in the end Jia Li could not help but say as she blinked her eyes and looked at the man who was insistent on blaming Zhai Tianyu even though he had done nothing to hurt Li Gang, not like Zhai Tianyu could have done anything to him anyway. 

" I am not thinking too much," Li Gang rolled his eyes, he has seen too many men like Zhai Tianyu. They knew that the woman in front of them was out of their reach but men like these couldn't help but be attracted to her because even if he was to ignore it Liu Hui Ying was a very charming woman, one whom no man can ignore. If not then so many men who were refused by Liu Hui Ying would not have come together to harm her from time to time, with her wit and beauty, she was a complete package in herself.