
"It's just a concoction that slows down the process of damaging a body and nothing else," Zhai Tianyu did not understand what Liu Hui Ying meant by 'skin care' but he did understand that she was in awe upon seeing that his aunt skin was not damaged. 

" Yeah I know but this is really amazing," Liu Hui Ying nodded as she turned to look at Jia Li who nodded in return and then rolled up her sleeves. " All right let's get down to business shall we?" She turned to look at Zhai Tianyu who was looking queasy at the mention of her tearing and examining the body and somewhat sympathetically said, " You can go out if you feel sick." 

" No, it's all right if I was to go out then there will be trouble," Zhai Tianyu shook his head, if he was to go out then Mister Wu will certainly ask why he left Liu Hui Ying alone in the tomb and queue in will the questions that he will find uncomfortable.