Do you think I am scared of her?

Liu Hui Ying turned her head to look at the orb of blue flames, at first she thought that Li Gang was making fun of her given how he was always so unserious about everything but as she turned to look in the direction where Li Gang was pointing at she was surprised to see that there was indeed an orb floating over the branch of a tree away from them.

The second her gaze fell on the orb, she jumped down the wall and then said to her three ghosts, " What are you all waiting for? Go and catch it for me!" She wanted to see whose soul was this, only a soul that has cultivated for at least a few years could be this powerful to morph its shape and hide its figure like this. 

" Yes!" The three ghosts chimed together as they rushed after the orb of flames that was hovering over the branch but as soon as they went over the orb,  the orb of flames flickered and started flying in the opposite direction to where it was hovering a moment ago.