Watch yourself

" My Queen, you are here?" Zhai Tianyu turned to look at Liu Hui Ying who has arrived to stand next to him, behind her were Li Gang and Grandma Lan Fen who seemed to be excited over the fact that they were finally getting a chance to get into action.

Liu Hui Ying hummed as she came to a stop in front of Zhai Tianyu who was looking at her in an aggrieved manner, she raised a brow at him when she noticed that he was looking at her like she might have done something wrong to him.  " Why are you looking at me like that?" 

Her question only caused Zhai Tianyu to choke as he looked at her with a pointed look on his face. " Do you really think that you have done nothing wrong? You sent a perverted ghost after me,  and I could not even take a bath!" Never did he has ever suffered like this before, a woman was watching every single second of his day without giving him a chance to breathe, even when he was eating Jia Li looked at him and kept on commenting things like ——