Tying the bow to her coffin.

Liu Hui Ying was indeed thinking about killing the tiger. It was not that she wanted the money for living a leisurely life given that there was no such as leisure in this place where life-threatening dangers continued to pop in front of her every time she turned her back. 

But she needed this private stash of money because she was running out of talismans and incense herbs which she used when she was meditating, it helped her in keeping her sister's spirit in restraints.

This was an expense that cannot be written down or else she would be arrested for spreading feudal superstitions, which was why what she needed very much at this moment was nothing more than private savings.

Liu Hui Ying's eyes glinted sharply as she ignored Xiao Ai and Nanny Gong's screams which were echoing in her ears from behind. If only they closed their mouths and stopped shrieking so shrilly!