First victim——2???


Yu Lingyun wanted to say something to Qin Mu Yan to soothe his stretched nerves but just as he opened his mouth to say something, he was interrupted by the scream of one of his soldiers.

" General Yu! General Yu! It's terrible! Something…something happened!" The soldier who came rushing in front of Yu Lingyun panted heavily as he stopped, his face was flushed and his entire uniform was covered in sweat which showed just how much hurry the man was in when he came to look for Yu Lingyun. 

" What is the matter with you? Why are you running like the world is coming to an end?" Yu Lingyun asked with a frown as he looked at the soldier who seemed so terrified that he lost his bearing. 

The soldier did not answer at once, instead, he inhaled and exhaled before he lifted his head and then said in a hurried voice, " The bridge …. The bridge has collapsed!"