Not happening !

Liu Hui Ying was headed towards the tent which belonged to Ji Yang, given that he and his family really had something in for her, she knew that he was the prime suspect after all, if it was proven that she was the one who was the cause of Concubine Qin's disappearance, he will be the one who will get the most number of benefits. 

" Who are you?" Ji Yang was talking about something with his aide when he saw two women approaching his tent. He turned to look at the young and old pair who bowed their heads when he turned to face them and then heard the elderly woman speak,

" We are here to change the coal in your brazier, my esteemed lord," if Ji Yang had heard Liu Hui Ying talk to Zhai Tianyu privately he would have sensed something amiss but since he did not hear Liu Hui Ying talk with Zhai Tianyu instead of feeling suspicious when he heard the words 'esteemed lord,' he was more than proud as he nodded his head and waved his hand.