The identity of the Murderer

  Lin Hui Ying's words caused another stir in the hunting grounds, that was right. Indeed when they left their tents it was too dark to see who was who, only those who were closest to each other could see the face of the person next to them but those who were far from them, they had no inkling of those. What if the person who was dressed as a ghost was indeed one of them and then he or she hid in the dark after running around the forest before coming back to the hunting grounds from the back? There was no barricade in the forest and the guards were too busy catching the ghost to worry about other things.

" But …" Ji Yang wanted to say something to interrupt  Lin Hui Ying but the latter did not give him the chance instead she continued speaking as she looked at Li Gang who nodded and floated towards the man she was suspicious of, she watched as Li Gang walked over to the culprit and then possessed his body only for a few seconds before he stepped out and nodded his head.