Forgive me master

The next morning, Ji Yang with a group of his guards rushed inside the prison, only to find the cell where official Qin was kept empty. A roar of fury escaped his lips as he looked at the empty prison cell. He did not understand what went wrong when he had paid attention to every single thing to make sure that Master Qin will not be able to escape even if someone was to help him. 

But now the prison was empty and the man inside of it was gone! 

" How did this happen?" Ji Yang flipped as he turned to look at the head of the prison with fury brimming in his eyes. The look in his eyes was beyond fury, it was sheer evil. If not for the fact that killing the head of the prison would bring him some severe consequences he would have definitely wrapped his hand around the throat of the man and choked him to death. 

One thing was told several times and he still couldn't do a job which he asked him to do properly.