The start of investigation ——2

Zhai Tianyu's senses were really good, he had practiced martial arts ever since he was a kid and he knew that someone had snuck behind him just now which was why he suddenly paused and turned around but when he turned around he did not see anyone. 

A slight furrow settled between his brows as he turned to look at Ji Yu who looked back at him with a slight raise of her brows.

" Is something the matter?" Ji Yu did not see anything and was thus a bit confused as to why Zhai Tianyu suddenly stopped walking. She looked around but did not see anyone, was there an assassin hiding in the dark? 

" Just now I felt as if someone snuck behind me," Zhai Tianyu answered honestly as he turned around after finding no one, he had a feeling that Liu Hui Ying had come to see him but given her anger and temper she would not leave without hurting him. 

However, as soon as he turned around he heard a pfft and then turned to look at Ji Yu who was rather calm.