Days pass and it was the D day soms and Rita are getting married, everything was set, everywhere was decorated and it looked like heaven on earth,his family really did a great job, Now everyone was here now and they are all sitted , even Rita's family came.
Soms,bayo and some of his friends wore black suit and stood at the alter,then the music came and the doors opened and rita walked in accompanied by her father, rita's father gave her hand to soms who helped her up the alter.
Father:we are here to witness the union between Jaylen somtochukwo obinna and Jacklyn Chimamanda opara,if anyone sees reason why this marriage should not hold please speak now or forever remind silent, you may now kiss the bride.
Soms immediately woke up,he was breathing heavily, he turned to his side and saw rita sleeping besides him,then he went back to sleep.
In the morning at bayo's office.
Soms: I thought all of it was a dream but I woke up and I saw her there, right beside me.
Bayo:guy I told you this before I gat your back okay, I will call my friend to look into her for you okay, cause I can see you are not happy this.
Soms: happy, I don't even know what all of this is, I'm feeling uneasy about all this, it's just like I should run away.
Bayo:Dude just relax, I gat you okay so relax.
Soms phone rings.
Soms: Hello mom what's up.
Adaego: I did not see you this morning.
Soms:Ya I had to leave early, any problem
Adaego: It's no problem, it's good news
Soms: What news?
Adaego: I brought a house for you and your wife as a gift,as I am talking to you now,all of you and rita I mean Jacklyn's things is been moved to the new house.
Soms:(he spoke angrily)Why are you always like this, you can not just keep making decisions for me,if you want to do something ask me first, just stop all this (he ends the call)
Bayo: Guy why are you shouting at your mother like that.
Soms: Can you believe she brought a house for me and that girl.
Bayo: You mean your wife.
Soms: Are you supporting my mom.
Soms: I can't believe this, I thought you were my brother (he wanted to leave)
Bayo: look am not support anyone,am just saying the way you just spoke to your mother, don't you think it will hurt her feelings.
Soms:Oh shit, what did I just do, I was just so angry, I'll go home and apologize to her.
Bayo: Just remember don't tell anyone about rita yet.
Soms: It's now Jacklyn and Yes I won't.
Bayo: Just do your own and my guy go, go through the girl.
Soms: Thanks so much (he left)
Bayo's phone rings
Bayo: Hello Who you?
Titi: It's Titi, I want to explain.
Bayo:fuck off (he ends the call)
Soms returned home, he came in and his sisters were standing by the door.
Muna: What did you say to Mom.
Soms: Where is Mom?
Muna: You haven't answered my question.
Soms: Where is Mom, where is she
Adura: Just answer the question soms
Soms:(he yelled)Who do you think you are asking me questions, where is Mom?
Adura: Find her yourself (They walked out)
Soms:(he said in a clam voice)Am sorry,muna listen (Jacklyn walked in)
Jacklyn: What happened?
Soms: Nothing, Mom (He shouts as he walks away from Jacklyn)
He walks into his mom's room and saw her in her wheelchair facing the wall.
Soms:Mom look am sorry for what I said I am just stressed out,am so sorry.
Adaego:(she sobs) You wouldn't have picked the call since you were stressed, rather than shouting me, at your own mother.
Soms: I am really sorry mom I didn't mean what I said, am truly am sorry.
Adaego turned her wheelchair around and rolled to soms smiling.
Adaego:Does this mean you will move to the house with your wife
Soms: Yes anything for you Mom.
She came in with a glass of juice.
Jacklyn: I brought this for you Mom (she handed the juice to Adaego)
Adaego:Thank you Jacklyn, I hope you didn't mind me changing your name.
Jacklyn: it's okay.
Adaego: This family has gone with this tradition for long now, everyone's middle name must start with a J.
Soms: Mom she said she understands no need to explain yourself, besides I like Jacklyn better.
Adaego:Soms are you sure you're alright, you don't seem yourself.
Soms: I told you,am just stressed out that's all.
Jacklyn:Then you better rest.
Soms: I know what to do (he left)
Adaego: Don't worry,go be with him I will take the girls out.
Jacklyn: I fear what if he doesn't like me.
Adaego: He loves you,if he didn't I don't see why he got married to you, now go.
Soms was about to step into the shower when he heard the car start, he looked through the window and saw his mom and sisters going out.
Soms: I wonder where they are going (he said to himself).
He heads for the bathtub 🛀, he has already filled water and some bubble soap 🧼 and enters, not long after he got in, Jacklyn came to him wearing only a towel
Soms: What are you doing here.
Jacklyn: I came to give me to you (She removes her towel)
Soms: Woah what are you doing(with his eyes studying her body.
She didn't say a word, she enters the bathtub 🛀 with him.
Soms: look I don't want any
She cuts in and started kissing him, but he tried to stop her but she continues and he didn't stop her any more, they kissed, later soms woke up lying naked on the bed with Jacklyn,with only bedsheets to cover, he saw it was night fall and went back to sleep again.
Weeks later.
The next week at the dinning room,soms came down ready for work, he kisses his mom on her forehead.
Soms:Hey guys.
But his sisters didn't reply.
Adaego: Would you answer your brother.
Yet they didn't say a word.
Soms:, it's okay mom,am late for a meeting, say bye to Jacklyn for me.
Adaego: I will, just know if you are coming home it's to your new house.
Soms: Okay love you all (he left)
Adaego:Why are you not talking to your brother.
Adura: Did you just forgive him after he made you cry.
Adaego: It's okay, he agreed to go to the house.
Adura:Of course you'll always forgive him, something is up with him.
Adaego: Am sure it's nothing.
Soms arrives at his office and bayo was waiting for him, he came in and sat down.
Bayo: I came as soon as I got your text,so
Soms: I don't want to talk about it.
Bayo: You are the one who asked me to come and now you don't want to talk about it,it seems your sisters are right about you, something is really up with you.
Soms: They know nothing about me, they are just there acting as if, they pretending like they know me while they don't,all this is madness, all of them are mad.
Bayo:Mad ooo
Soms: What?
Bayo: Sorry I wouldn't have said that
Soms:No bayo, why would you say that, I was been serious.
They both stay quiet for a while,then burst into laugh
Soms: You are mad you know that
Bayo:Mad ooo, look I know you are frustrated but you just have to keep your cool until I figure out who rita really is, I mean Jacklyn.
Soms: You are truly the best, you know that.
Bayo:Hey I know, I don't wanna brah but I am More than best and you know that
Soms: you are mad (he smiles)
Bayo: So did you do it with her?
Soms:Gross bayo you just ruined the moment
They laughed, after work soms did as his mother told him and followed the instructions he got from a text and found his new house, he opened the door and everyone there yelled SURPRISE
Soms:Wow that actually worked.
Mrs Adaego: So we finally got you.
Soms:Yes,hey girls about yesterday.
Adura: it's not okay what you did,I don't know what has come over you lately, it's like we don't know who you are anymore.
Soms: That's because you don't know me, I don't even know me(he rudely said).
Muna: I knew it was a mistake coming here, he doesn't even feel bad for what he did.
Soms: I wanted to apologise but adura had to to give me a fucking speech(he also sounded rude again)
Adaego: What is going on,we are to here celebrate.
Adura: I will tell you what is happening,we are leaving.
They wheeled off with Adaego.
Soms:Yes leave I don't care (he yelled)
Jacklyn: What's your problem soms.
Soms:(he yells) You're my problem,ever since I married you I don't understand myself again, all this is because you came into my life, you have made me crazy are you happy.
Jacklyn:(she cry's) Am sorry I thought you loved me that was why you married me, I am so sorry (she wanted to leave but fainted).
Soms rushed to her and then called the ambulance, they came and attended to Jacklyn.
Soms:Is she gonna be okay,huh
Rose: Rose and yes, she will be okay, but she doesn't need stress right now.
Rose: Well I don't want to be the one to tell you but congratulations you are going to be a father.
Soms: What the fuck(he said confused)
Rose: I don't understand, isn't good news.
Soms:It is, I was just shocked,wow I can't believe this,does she know about this.
Rose:Of course she does,it her body right.
Soms: I wonder why she didn't tell me.
Rose: Well I think she wants to surprise you.
Soms: Well it worked,thank you so much.
Rose: My pleasure mr Jaylen.
The ambulance left.
WEEKS PASS,soms is shopping with bayo.
Soms: I still can't believe this.
Bayo: So she hasn't told you yet, I wonder how she is planning to keep it from you.
Soms: I wonder too, isn't the stomach going to grow.
Bayo: So just once and she is now with child and me and titi tried for so long.
Soms: Speaking of titi,how far.
Bayo: We got our divorce weeks after your wedding and that my guy that I asked to look into rita's case.
Soms:Yes,so what's up.
Bayo:He didn't find anything suspicious about her.
Someone walked to them, it was chinelo.
Chinelo: Master jay
Soms: chinelo,wow it's been so long.
Chinelo:Yes sir, you haven't visited,is there any problem sir.
Soms:No, how is my mom.
Chinelo: She is fine, I hope you visit one of this days.
Soms: I will,agree my mom okay.
Chinelo:Yes sir (she left)
Bayo: You should go to the house and see your family.
Soms:Why, they chase me out.
Bayo:No you are the one pushing them and besides you need to tell someone about this, about all this.
Soms:Yes you are right, is like you are always right (they both laughed).
Later that day soms went to his family's house 🏠 when he came in he saw his sisters sitting on the couch watching tv.
Adura: What are you doing?
Soms:Am here to see mom.
Adura:Am sorry but you can not.
Soms: Do I need your permission to see my own mother.
Adura: Just leave and stay with your wife, isn't that what you wanted.
Soms: That is not, can I then talk to you outside at least.
Adura: I'm going no where with you.(He brags her by the hand) let go(she removes her hand)go out side and I will join you.
Soms left immediately and waited for her outside.
Adura: Chinelo please lock the door for me okay.
Chinelo: But master jay is (adura cuts in)
Adura: Close the door or join him out side.
She locked the door,soms rushed to the door and saw it was closed.
Soms: It's not fair, adura it's not fair,stop being wicked, chinelo open the door(he begged
Adura:If you open the door, I will hit your head on hall.
Adaego heard soms voice while in her room, she came out of her room and tried to move forward but she fell off the wheelchair, the girls were shouting at soms when they turned and saw their mother falling down the stairs, they shouts in fear as they ran to their mother, chinelo immediately called the ambulance and also opened the door and soms came in, he tried to hold adaego but the girls pushed him out and he fell, he yelled and cries as the ambulance came and took her away Adaego along side adura and Muna.
The next day soms, Jacklyn and bayo came to the hospital,as they wanted to walk into the room where Adaego was adura cried and ran out and soms went after her.
Soms: Adura what happened wait (he chased after her, she entered into the elevator and soms followed her by using the stairs, bayo and jacklyn entered the room where Adaego was, Jacklyn went to the girls.
Bayo: How's she.
Adura: the doctor said she will be fine, where's my brother.
Bayo: He will be here soon, I don't why he rushed out in hurry, I'll go find him.
Adura:No I'll go.
Soms was still chasing someone he believed to be his sister adura, he followed her into the road,then suddenly she vanished and soms was almost hit by a car but someone pulled him out from the road and the driver stopped and then got out.
Driver:Waitin dey do you, if you wan kill yourself go find building then jump idiot(Adura then apologize to the driver and he drove off)
Soms: Adura, but I thought, when did you.
Adura:(she cuts him off) What are you doing out there, are you trying to get yourself killed
Soms: Not I dropped something
Adura: In the middle of the road,I don't care let's just go in.
Soms: Wait, I have something to tell you.
Adura: What is it?
Soms: It's just that I am really sorry for what I said.
Adura: I can't say I forgive, but it's okay (she gave him a smile)
Soms:Weak smile I deserve that.
They went in, later that day.
Soms: Okay who's hungry, I'll go get some food.
Jacklyn: I'll come with you
Soms: Okay then ask everyone what they will like, then I will be waiting for you in the car.
Jacklyn did as she was told,then drove off with soms while adura and bayo watched.
Adura:Strange isn't it.
Bayo: I can not do this your brother is so brave.
Adura: I was talking about his behavior.
Bayo: So he didn't tell you anything.
Adura: He wanted to speak with me but it was to apologise,bayo is something going on here,is there something you're not telling me.
Bayo: It's nothing really.
Adura: it is clear that you are lying.
She dragged him into an empty room.
Adura: Now tell me
Bayo: I told you it's nothing
Adura: Tell me bayo, what is my brother hiding from me, from us.
Bayo panicked and kissed adura.
Adura:(she panicked and slapped him) Dude not cool (she left angrily)
Bayo:Oh shit what did I just do,soms you won't kill me before my time.