The Sleep Demon Pt. 2

We both stand there in shock looking into the doorway. This demon stands there waving and smiling, our lifeless bodies laying across each other on the floor in front of it. I grab her hand tighter and run pulling her behind me. We run down the hallway that doesn't seem to end. We run and see another open door, we look inside and it's the same demon with our bodies under him, smiling and waving.

"I can't do this," Brittany runs taking her hand away from mine. She runs down and turns a corner in the hallway. I run after her and turn the corner, it's a dead end. I start to breathe rapidly, I can feel the air getting thinner as it gets hard for me to breathe. I turn around to look towards the door, I see the hand of the demon emerge from the room, clenching the wall, pulling itself forward to peak its smiling face at me.

"Stay away, get out of here!" I start yelling at the demon, and the demon bolts out of the room running towards me. I start to run away from it, looking behind me as it gets closer and closer. I look ahead of me and see a door open at the end of the hallway. With all my strength I run into the door and quickly close and lock it behind me. I walk backward looking at the door as it bangs as if someone threw themselves into the door. I flinch as it continues throwing itself into the door.

"Brittany, where'd you go?" I say to myself as I look around the room.

I freeze in place as I notice this isn't just a room, it's a dark hallway that looks like it goes on forever. There are no lights, there are no doors and no windows, just a long dark hallways. I look down the hallway and I can see animal-like shadows running across rapidly. I nervously start taking steps into the darkness, my body is tense as I make my way down the hallway. As I get deeper into the hallway I can hear the paddling of animals running around behind and in front of me.

"Where the hell is the exit? Where the hell is Brittany?" I start to walk faster as the sound of human footsteps runs behind me. I start to run as I hear someone screaming as if they are being tortured come from behind me. As I'm running I see light coming from a door at the end of the hallway. I run into the room, I look behind me ready to close the door; nothing was there and the lights were suddenly on. I can see down the hallway, it looked normal. I walk back out into the hallway as the door behind me shuts on its own, startled from the slam I start yelling for Brittany.

"Brittany! Brittany! Where are you?" I start to panic

"Jason! I'm sorry I ran, I didn't mean to I was scared! Jason Where are you!" I can hear her voice shaky and crying.

I follow the sound of her voice and it leads me to an open window. I look out the window and I can see Brittany pacing around with her arms crossed. I start to yell out to her but it's like she can't hear me. I back away from the window and search for a way to get down to her. I run around and I end up finding a stairwell that leads down. I quickly run downstairs and find a door leading outside. I slam through the door and call out for Brittany. I run to where I saw her last as she still pacing back and forth.

"Brittany!" I yell running towards her. I grab her and turn her around.

Her face is down so I can't see her face, she looks up at me and I push myself away from her. It's not Brittany, it's a demon. The demon stands there smiling with burnt skin peeling away from its face revealing some flesh around its left eye. A chunk of flesh is rotten on her chin showing bone, and green liquid leaks out its mouth.

"What's wrong? Aren't I pretty!" it cackles as it lunges at me, latching its arms around me. I struggle to break free from its grasp, It starts to vomit a greenish-black liquid all over me.

"Get off of me," I yell struggling to break free.

I was finally able to pry myself away from the demon and run back inside the school. I close the door and run away from the door down the empty hallway in front of me. As I'm running I hear Brittany yelling for help. I stop and listen and walk towards the sound of her voice. I make my way to a door and I can hear her voice on the other side.

I cautiously reach out for the handle to open it, hoping I don't get tricked again. I start to turn the knob and it's locked. I start slamming my body into the door hoping that it would open.

"Brittany, is that you?" I wait on the other side of the voice for her to say something.

"Jason! Jason, help me, please! I'm stuck!" You can hear the fear in her voice.

I slam myself into the door a couple more times and finally break into the room. I look up and I can see Brittany standing there terrified. She runs up to me and hugs me tight.

"Please don't leave me!" Her hug gets tighter as I hug her back.

"We have to find a way out of here."

We start to walk out of the room and down the hallway again. We cautiously try opening every door, her hand grips my hand for dear life. We see an exit door down the hall so we walk over to it. We stand in front of the door and look at each other, we reach out and push the door open.

We suddenly wake back up in my room jolting out of bed and looking around the room. I hug her as tight as I can and she does the same.

"I had the craziest dream," I tell her.

"So did I, I was locked in the school and there were these demon-like creatures and..." I cut her off "and we lay there lifeless under the demon."

She looked at me shocked "Did we have the same dream?"

"I think so."

"Did we astral project?" she looks at me

"No, if anything it was a very realistic lucid dream and we both shared the same dream." I look at her while explaining "I've heard you can dream the same as someone but to both lucid dream the same thing, that is a whole different level."

We both get out of bed and start walking down the stairs into the kitchen. I go to open the fridge as a cup flies out of the cabinet above smashing onto the floor. I look over and then look at Brittany. She grabs the broom and starts to sweep up the glass.

"Why did that happen?" Brittany asked me

Coming to a sudden realization I look at her "The board, we never closed the board correctly, plus the planchette flew off the board." I look upstairs "This, the dream, everything that's been happening, it's the board, this is demonic."

We exchange a look and we both run upstairs. We start to look for the board all over the room, but we can't find the board anywhere. it's as if it vanished. We looked all over throwing everything out of my closet and grabbing things from under the bed.

"The board is gone," Brittany says to me looking shocked.

We run downstairs and I run to the garbage can outside. I open it and check, nothing is in there it's empty. I run back inside looking over at Brittany.

My eyes widen as I see the same demon who mimicked Brittany in the dream standing behind her.

"Behind you!" I yell at Brittany as she turns around.

"What? There's nothing there?" I look around the room for the demon I had just seen as something catches on the stairs catches my attention. I look up the stairs and see the demon smiling on top. It looks at me, mocking me. I start to feel dread over me. I start to tear up, I can't take my eyes off of it. I walk over to the kitchen and open the utensil drawer. I reach inside and grab a knife.

I extend my arm and I put the knife next to my arm. My body is moving on its own and I can't do anything to stop it. I put the blade on my arm as I suddenly feel a slap across my face and Brittany grabbing the knife from my hand.