Hoping for a Private Space

  Gray had a phone call with Connor and Johanna about their kids. Eris was taking care of them well. She knows how to change Benny's diapers and helps her in the shower. Quinn on the other hand tells Benny what to do so it won't be hard on Eris to wash him off. Then, the little boy was very attentive toward Eris and let Eris put powder on his body and then his diapers and clothes. 

  Eris then hugged him and kissed his forehead. 

"They are doing perfectly fine," Gray said. "But seriously, you could have taken back your kids. This is supposed to be our honeymoon." 

"Oh, please. You already had a fine honeymoon back on wherever you went off." Johanna said. "I need a break from the kids although my son is super cute. Still, he's too dramatic. Also, he kept asking for your wife, so I just gave him to her."