
  Danica stood quickly as she stared at Griffin. 

"What do you mean?" 


"To Gray!?" She exclaimed as she started pacing back and forth. "Why?" She grabbed Griffin's collar. "Why did you let her marry Gray?" 

"It's not my plan!" He exclaimed. "We were both on the edge…" 

  Danica was so pissed that she pushed him down on the couch. 

"Mama, agry?" Her son, Lincoln asked. 

  She calmed down as she took her to his playroom. Then, she approached Griffin again with a deadly glare. 

"We have no choice." He said calmly. "Sorry, Dan." 

"Is she alright? I need to know that at least." 

"I~~I tried to take her out a few days ago. She doesn't want to go. She~~loved him. That's what she said."