Soldiers UE

  Marvin glanced at his bank account. Billion. They spent Billion in this expedition without any income. However, it is a donation to the Paradis Evergarden soldier and he didn't even get any tax from transferring it. Maybe there's a fee but not a single tax. 

"Are you alright?" Raeanne asked as she stride to him with a tray of snacks and tea. "Instead of coffee, I brought you some black tea." 

"Thank you, Anne." Marvin finally slouched on his seat. "How's Vin-Vin?" 

"In the study room." She leaned on the desk. "What are you worried about?" 

"Something wrong is going on with my companies." He turned the swivel chair around to face the window. "I might have to check it across the country. Would you stay here?" 

"Don't you want me to go?" She asked as she strode to him and stood by his side. She then hugged his neck. 

"I want to… but Vincenzo will be sad."