The Cult UE

  The new house looked good. MJ already knew where they are currently. She kept it discreetly. She didn't mentioned it to anyone. Not to her husband or to Karmina. It's to protect their plan. If Eris and she only knew about it, then the child is safe. She's not evil. That child is a innocent and she don't plan to use that child for her own selfish act. They can kill that child's mother… but it seems that it don't matter at all since she'll die anyway. 

"Tata!" Benny exclaimed as he excitedly dashed in and he quickly hugged her and pressed his ear to her tummy. 

"How is it?" She caressed his hair. 

"It's baby!" He giggled and then he ran to Cole who's currently on the bed resting. Cole has been sick since yesterday. That's why Quinn's plan on their date got canceled. "Coco! We got more, more fruits for you!" 

"Than you." Cole smiled as he watched Benny climbed up and lay beside him.