
Chapter 3: The Surgery

"They're going to do a reattachment surgery." Bella said, everybody realizing the lifeless and pale expression on her face. Jasper and Carlisle sighed in relief. Rosalie jumped up, in the short amount of time she had known Renesmee, she became her favorite person in the world, no matter how big she was, or how fast she would grow in the future. She jumped up in happiness.

Alice did a silent clap, tapping her feet rhythmically on the ground. Jacob came out, they were giving Bella her space. They all met each other outside. The only people inside were Bella and Jacob, who were having a long overdo talk in the hospital waiting room.

"Bella, I'm sorry, I-." He said, begging for forgiveness, he wanted them to be on good terms again. Not even wasting a second to sit down yet

"Jacob, It's ok. I guess I am just having a hard time learning about this. Now I have a child, a human being to take care of." She replied.

"Why didn't you say it earlier, I thought you hate me." He asked

She cocked her head up and looked at him, making long, intense and direct eye contact. "That was only for a day, sure we have had our up and downs, but I never thought of you like that." She reassured him.

"What does that mean." He asked, still very confused.

"It means that you don't have to like your best friend all the time, but you never stop loving them." She said

"What about Edward?"

"I think he is warming up to you more than he may be letting on right now, it's probably been like that for a while." She replied.

Jacob tightening his fist and assuming a victory pose after hearing that.

"It may still take time for him to actually like you." She added.

They both laughed and smiled, something that was rare on any recent occasion, especially a day like this.

Jacob was glad, he was warming up to Edward, making him get used to his somewhat foolish antics. He knew that being real friends would take a while, vampires and werewolves, so different in their ways, yet made similar, both a force of the supernatural.

For now he decided to stay an acquaintance to him. He also had other friends, Bella, Seth, other werewolves, and his old friends from school he would only see on certain occasions. He hadn't considered the Cullen's as friends yet, but they were certainly far from foe.

There were two doctors were in the operating room, slowly reattaching the veins and nerve endings of the arms together. Because of how precise they needed to be, it would take time. Renesmee was asleep now, under anesthesia.

Alice and Carlisle sat down on the bench, Carlisle helping her to apply the bandages and cream. Jasper laying on the ground, Rosalie sitting next to him getting her clothes dirty from the ground. Bella and Jacob went outside. Rosalie looking up and waving to them. Edward was kicking rocks, feeling his.

"They wheeled her into surgery a little bit ago, they should be done soon.." Bella remarked. Jacob looked all around outside the hospital, the trees, he could hear Edward kicking a few feet away from him.

Renesmee woke up, she saw a doctor standing over her. The foul taste circling through her mouth and leaving her throat. Her arm still not fully functional, now having a bubblegum like color.

The doctors shoes squeaking, while heading to the outside. "The surgery was a success, but she will need to stay for observation for a few hours. She also may need to endure physical therapy for some time after." The doctor said. Standing far away from the entrance, Bella and Edward were with her. Edward still destroying the rocks, Bella smiling and rejoicing.

Bella told them the news, everybody was processing this, so much. Alice knew she would be fine, and if she wasn't, then Rosalie wouldn't be either. Jasper started coughing, not stopping. Alice gave him a look. "Are you alright." Alice asked, not seeing what had fallen on the ground. "I'm okay." He said, slightly choking.

Someone came out of nowhere, Jacob was near the door, but he wasn't the one. Renesmee's eyes springing up, looking to her mother. Rosalie then met with her eyes, Bella running to her daughter, and Jacob inching closer to Renesmee. Rosalie looked like she training for a national track meet, pushing Bella and throwing Jacob aside so she could see Renesmee. She got to her level and they touched each others faces, rubbing their noses together. Jacob getting up from the ground, and Bella admiring Rosalie and her together.

Renesmee then pointed to the ground and opened her mouth, Rosalie tasting the anesthesia. Rosalie looked down to where her finger was, not even realizing she had function of her arm and fingers again.

It was in the shape of a blood moon, Renesmee touching it and getting the liquid on her finger. She put her finger in her mouth and she had an adverse reaction, her eyes turning red. Rosalie staring directly at her, she picked her up and restrained her, hoping she wouldn't go into a blood hungry state, with the new information that she really was an immortal child.

Her eyes reverted to their original brown/hazel. "Her arms are fine now." Rosalie spoke, the doctor listening.

They took her inside, laying her back on the bed. The doctor lifted her arm up, tugging at her fingers. They were wondering how her arm was fine, the arm was perfectly colored and functional. Everything else about her was fine, so they decided to let her go and sign the papers to get her out.

Bella stormed in, demanding to see her.

"Miss, we discharged you daughter. You and your daughter are free to go."

Bella picked up Renesmee, seeing the blue cast she had. They all went to the car, the same seating as before, as if they all made a mental chart.

They passed Renesmee around, like a hot potato. Everyone signing her cast. Edward tapping the front of his shoes on the floor, trying to clean the rock streaks from them. Jasper laying down, still using his old black jacket as a pillow substitute. Rosalie holding Renesmee tightly, like she was her own child, and Jasper sleeping or at least looking like it. Even Carlisle signed her cast, while he was driving

'Get well soon sweetie. Love you *heart drawing*'- Bella

'I love you. You are a survivor, and my favorite.'- Rosalie

'Renesmee.'- Edward

'Sorry for imprinting on you.'- Jacob

'I see great things to come in your future.'- Alice

'You are amazing. I speak for Emmett and my wife too.'- Carlisle

'You're cool.'-Jasper