Raring to go

Walking into the duel arena Clay spotted Jaden and Syrus in the crowd cheering him on. The others around them gave the pair weird looks as they yelled their encouragement to their friend.

"You got this Clay! Show the other guy who's boss!" Jaden had complete confidence that Clay would beat his opponent. Even though he hadn't seen Clay duel many times, he just had that air of confidence around him, sure that he had everything under control.

Syrus was less vocal, he didn't know Clay well besides the fact that he had come with Jaden to bring him back from the girls dorm. He was very appreciative of that so he still cheered on Clay.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the practical exam for the dorm switch will now begin. Please have your decks ready at anytime. Will Clay and Yamada please head to the duel arena for the first duel of the day." A voice over the intercom sounded throughout the academy, announcing the exam would be starting soon.

Waves of students walked into the room, filling the bleachers with an assortment of red, blue and yellow. They all cheered their support for the students below, but they showed no real enthusiasm in the cheering.

Walking into the duel arena was a student wearing the Obelisk blue coat with tails. He had an angry look on his face as he stood opposite of Clay.

"You damn Slifer Slacker, last time was just a fluke, I'll show you what happens when you mess with an Obelisk." Yamada readied his duel disk, prepared to get revenge for their first duel.

"Have we met?" Hearing the casual reply from Clay, Yamada winced. How the hell could he have forgotten him, they were the first match of the year. Yamada looked at Clay's face and found that he indeed looked confused and not at all joking.

The rest of the students had all heard the response and they burst out laughing. The never expected that this Slifer student had the balls to embarrass an Obelisk, but they were seeing it live right now.

"Damn you, you Slifer Sludge. When I'm done with you not even the Slifer dorm will take you back." Yamada was fuming at this point. Never before had he been so embarrassed in his life. "Let's duel!"


Yamada: 4000

Clay: 4000

"I'll go first, draw!" Yamada took the first move just like in their previous match. "To start, I activate the effect of Thunder Dragon from my hand, allowing me to discard Thunder dragon and adding a Thunder dragon to my hand."

Yamada sent the card to the graveyard then searched his deck for another copy of Thunder Dragon before putting it in his hand. Yamada then continued on with his turn.

"I summon from my hand Thunder Sea Horse!" Playing his card, a black and yellow sea horse, covered with electricity appeared on the field.

Thunder Sea Horse: Atk 1600 Def 1200

"When this card is summoned, I am allowed to add two level four or lower light thunder type monsters with the same name to my hand."

The thunder coating the sea horse zapped towards Yamada's deck, causing two cards to glow and partially expose themselves from the deck. Yamada grabbed them and added them to his hand.

"I play two cards face down and end my turn." With his final play over he glared at Clay with a fierce smile on his face. The cards that he got from Crowler were going to the downfall of the overconfident Clay.

"Finally, lets get this show on the road. I draw!" Clay looked at his hand and had a huge grin on his face. "I play five cards face down and end my turn." Five face down cards appeared on the field as Clay inserted the cards into their respective slots.

The crowd was stunned. No one ever played an entire hand worth of cards in one turn unless they were bluffing, but here someone was doing just that. They didn't know whether to laugh or cheer at Clay for making such a bold move. He didn't play a monster in defense position either, so either Clay was trying to bluff or he was confident he didn't need to summon any monster.

"Ahahaha, you really are stupid, aren't you! You think a bluff like that will keep me from attacking you?!" Yamada had finally lost it, laughing like a mad man. "Fine, you want me to play along I will. I draw!

"I tribute my Thunder Sea Horse to summon out Thunder Dragon from my hand!" With a crackle, the sea horse exploded, leaving a cloud of dust crackling with electricity. From within two yellow pairs of eyes glared at Clay. With one flap of its wings, the green dragon revealed itself to the arena, giving out a mighty roar.

Thunder Dragon: Atk 1600 Def 1500

"I activate my face down trap card, Judgement of Thunder." One of Yamada's cards turned face up, revealing a monster being struck by lightning bolts. "When I summon a lightning monster like my Thunder Dragon, I am allowed to destroy one card on your field. I choose you far left card!"

A bolt of lightning shot from the card, zapping Clay's and destroying it. Clay didn't flinch at the sight of one of his cards getting destroyed. In fact, if one looked closely, his smile could be seen bigger than it was before.

"Thunder Dragon, attack Clay directly!" With a flap of its wings, the dragon took off into the sky and looked down at Clay. It opened its mouth wide and out from it came a burst of yellow lightning crackling as it traveled down to its target.

"I play a trap card, Draining shield!" Clay revealed one of the trap cards he had face down, stopping the attack. "When you declare an attack I can negate that attack and gain life points equal to the damage I would have taken."

A shield appeared in front of Clay and took the lightning strike. The attack was completely nullified by that one shield, which now turned around and faced Clay. A green beam shot out and struck Clay in the chest.

Clay: 5600

"You think stopping one attack will stop me! Think again, I play my other face down card, Flash Fusion!" Yamada played his other face down card, revealing a blue spell card. "This card allows me to fusion summon using monsters I control or monsters in my graveyard by removing them from play. I fuse the Thunder Dragon from the graveyard with the Thunder Dragon on the field to fusion summon Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon!"

A dark cloud appeared above Yamada, sucking dragon into it and pulling out the Thunder Dragon card from his graveyard. Purple lightning began to strike, and out came a red dragon with two large mouths.

Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon: Atk 2800 Def 2100

The dragon landed and shook the ground, roaring at Clay who still didn't flinch.

"I activate the trap card, Mispolymerisation!" Another card from Clay's backrow flipped up. "Mispolymerisation is a card that can only be used when someone fusion summons, allowing me to destroy all of the fusion monsters on the field."

The new monster gave one final roar as it exploded into fragments and flew across the field. Yamada looked horrified as this happened, how could he not be? His best card was destroyed as soon as it was summoned. But Clay wasn't done just yet.

"I activate the trap card Redo from my graveyard. When a monster on the field is destroyed by card effect I can re-summon the monster to its owners field with double its attack points."

The ground split open and from the earth rose the Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon seen exploding into particles moments ago.

Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon: Atk 5600 Def 2100

Yamada was wide eyed at this point, why would Clay bring back the monster he just destroyed, even stronger than before. That was when Yamada heard his voice again.

"I activate another trap card, Ring of Destruction! I can tribute one monster on the field and we both take damage equal to its current attack points. There is only one monster on the field currently so I target Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon."

A metal ring with red bulbs on its edge appeared around the neck of the dragon, it struggling to take it off as fast as it could.

"What?! You plan to take us both out, are you crazy?!" Yamada couldn't keep track of anything anymore. First he had a strong monster ready to beat this Slifer to the ground, then his monster was beaten back by a simple trap before he could use it. Now his monster was stronger than ever but that would be his undoing.

"Actually, it's just you going to be losing, I play my final trap card, Rainbow Life." Clay's last face down card revealed itself, and Yamada's fate was sealed. He knew exactly what that card did, but Clay still explained it. "By discarding one card from my hand, whenever I would take damage this turn I would instead gain that amount of life points instead."

Yamada fell to his knees in defeat, again to the same Slifer he had mocked at the start of the year. As his dragon exploded, finishing his life points off he stayed kneeling.

Yamada: 0

Clay: 11200

Yamada looked up once more, through the smoke cloud and fire, only to see the smile on Clay's face as he reveled in his victory. If one word could describe how Yamada saw that smile, not at all fazed by the smoke and fire in front of him, it would be one thing: Demonic.

"Game Over!"