Facing The End

Guess who's back!

It's been a while since I wrote a chapter for this, but I hope that this makes up for it. I left it on a cliffhanger and now that cliffhanger is over. I'll try to write some more for this Fanfic, I never intended to drop it, stuff just sort of happened.

Well, I'm back and I intend to stay back.

Author out!


Clay looked at the cards in his hand, trying to think of anything that would allow him a victory against Zane. Unfortunately, with the cards he currently had, Clay could only cry internally while maintaining his overconfident demeanor.

"I'll set a monster face down in defense position, then I'll set a face down card and end my turn." With the cards he had, Clay made the best possible play he could. There wasn't much else to do but he believed that there was indeed a way for him to win with these cards, he just needed to find it.

"Another play that doesn't show your skills. It's almost like you're playing with cards that you've never used before." Zane was observing the plays Clay was making, but something didn't seem to add up to him.

The stories that the other Obelisk students told him was that Clay would dominate the battlefield, but in this duel he was on the back foot the entire time. If the stories were true and this was the deck he used to do it then the Obelisk students didn't deserve to be called the best.

"I draw. Two turns have passed since I played my Different Dimension Capsule, so now I get to add the spell Power Bond to my hand." The capsule rose form the ground and opened, revealing the spell that was trapped inside, after which it flew into Zane's hand.

"I play one card face down," A card appeared in Zane's spell and trap zone behind his dragon. "Now, Cyber Twin Dragon, attack his face down monster."

The mechanical dragon once again reeled back its heads and prepared to fire its powerful attack. Within a few seconds the dragon released its attack, hitting the face down monster, revealing a group of four ghostly looking goats.

The blast created a dome of fire that surrounded the four ghostly goats, turning them into dust, but not before they could split into a copy of themselves and spread out into the other zones that were unoccupied.

"Whenever my monster, Scapeghost, is flipped face up, I can create as many tokens as I am able to, since I had four open slots when they were flipped, I get to create four tokens." There was a sense of relief in Clay's voice that his plan had worked for the most part.

He was sure that Zane would attack his monster, so he decided to sacrifice one that was fine with being destroyed. Of course, he was aware that he would lose one of the tokens because of Zane's monsters' ability, but that was a sacrifice Clay was willing to make.

"They will die the same as the first, my dragon attacks one of your tokens." There was absolute confidence in Zane's voice, as if nothing would stop him from reaching the goal of Clay's life points.

The dragon once again released a blaze of fire to one token, incinerating the creature into oblivion. There was nothing that Clay could do to stop his monsters from being destroyed, at least not yet.

But there was also relief in his expression when he realized that he would still have three tokens left to play with after all was said and done. Then Zane had to say something and ruin the entire moment.

"You think that I will stop just like that? Think again, I play the spell card De-Fusion." One of the face down cards flipped up and revealed itself to Clay, who only had a look of depression on his face. "This spell card allows me to send my monster back to the Extra Deck and summon the monsters that were used for its summon from the Graveyard."

Before Clay's eyes the dragon that destroyed so many of his monsters split down the middle and split itself into two separate dragons. Both monsters looked identical to the other, down to the wires attached to their bodies.

Cyber Dragon: Atk 2100 Def 1600

"I think I know where this is going..." Clay didn't need to know rocket science to understand that he was about to lose two more of his tokens, which was exactly what Zane intended to do.

"My dragons attack two of your tokens." This time, the dragons slithered to the goats and wrapped their bodies around the goats. With one squeeze the monsters exploded into a puff of smoke.

"You won't survive next turn unless you bring out your best." Zane gave a warning to Clay as it seemed that he wasn't playing at his best, which was the reason that he wanted to duel in the first place. "I end my turn."

"My turn, I draw." With apprehension, Clay drew his next card. He looked it over and had a smile as he read what the card could do. This card could give him the win, he just needed to survive to the next turn. "Well, you wanted to see my best, then I'll show you my best. I summon Jerry Beans Man."

A small green bean appeared on the field, wielding a sword and a shield and sporting a red cape. There was a look of determination on his face as he saw the monsters in front of him.

Jerry Beans Man: Atk 1750 Def 0

"I activate the spell card, Amulet of Ambition, and equip it onto my Bean man." He played the spell card and appearing around the neck of Jerry was a golden star with an eye in the center.

"This card can only be equipped to a normal monster, and whenever the equipped monster battles with a monster that has a higher level than it, the equipped monster gains attack points equal to the difference, times 1000." Clay explained the effect of the spell card.

"Jerry, attack one of his Cyber Dragons, Rage of the Meek!" Clay called out the name of the attack and Jerry charged at one of the dragons. The amulet on his neck suddenly shined as he approached the dragon, causing Jerry to increase in size and power.

Jerry Beans Man: Atk 3750 Def 0

Jerry slashed with his sword across the neck of the dragon, cutting its head and causing an explosion which sent some bolts of electricity flying in the air.

Clay: 4000

Zane: 2350

"I've never heard of the card, Amulet of Ambition, but I can tell that it's quite powerful." Zane gave honest praise, he didn't even think that he would take damage in this duel because of the lousy job Clay had been doing earlier, but now it all seemed like it was a show. "But it won't be enough to beat me."

"We'll see about that, I play one card face down and end my turn." With that one last action a card appeared and awaited its moment for glory.

"My turn, I draw." Zane looked the card in his hand over and smiled. With this card it would be simple to win this duel now. "I activate my face down card, Call of the Haunted, to bring back my Cyber Dragon."

As the card flipped, ghostly ethereal hands reached into the ground and pulled the Cyber Dragon back, but there was something different about this one, now it had blue flames coming from where Jerry Beans had sliced at its neck (This doesn't mean anything, I just thought it would be cool if it showed how it died).

"Next I play my spell card, Mystical Space Typhoon." As the spell appeared on the field, a small tornado appeared and headed in the direction of Jerry Beans Man. "This card allows me to target one spell or trap card on the field and destroy it."

When the tornado finally reached and encompassed Jerry the amulet around his neck disappeared, following which the tornado itself disappeared. Jerry now was shaking ever so slightly that it would almost be imperceptible to the naked eye, but with the connection Clay had to him, he could feel his nervousness.

"Finally, I play my spell card, Power Bond, to fusion summon my most power dragon! Rise, Cyber End Dragon!" From his hand came one of the Cyber Dragons while the other two floated close to each other. They eventually all started morphing their bodies and combining their mid sections to create one big body. Their heads remained separate as they roared into the sky.

Cyber End Dragon: Atk 8000 Def 2800

"When Power Bond is used for a fusion summon, the monster summoned gains attack equal to its original attack, but I take damage equal to the amount it gained at the end of the turn. This is the end for you, Cyber End Dragon, attack his Jerry Beans Man, Super Strident Blaze!"

With one last command the mighty dragon gave a roar to the sky, sending shockwaves in the air and shaking trees in the distance. They then turned their three heads in the direction of the small monster and reared their heads back as they gathered more fire to blast.

Moments passed and the fires were finally released, turning into beams instead of becoming balls of fire. The fire beams ended up spiraling into one another, becoming a singular beam with different colored segments.

"I play my trap card, Equip revival!" Before the beam could reach Jerry, Clay activated his trap card that would save his monsters life. "I am able to target an equip spell in my graveyard and attach it onto a monster I control, but that monster cannot attack while it is equipped with that card."

The Amulet of Ambition reappeared on the neck of Jerry, causing him to looked shocked before he once again changed his face into one of confidence. Jerry charged at the beam using his shield to block all the damage, while gaining size the further he went closer to the source.

When he finally reached the heads of Cyber End Dragon, he was double their size and his sword was the length of its entire body.

Jerry Beans Man: Atk 8750 Def 0

With a final slash the dragon was split down the middle and disappeared in a torrent of fire. The trees in the surrounding shook violently that it appeared as if they wouldn't be able to remain standing.

Clay: 4000

Zane: 1600

"Impressive, you just might win this duel." Zane looked to be completely unfazed at the destruction of his strongest monster, as if there was nothing that would be able to stop him from winning, even when he was losing.

"You think that's impressive, just wait until you see what I'm cooking up for a friend." There was a large smile on Clay's face as he heard the compliment from Zane. "Now don't forget that you are about to take 4000 points of damage because of Power Bond."

"Yes, that would be a problem, however I won't be taking any damage because I activate the trap card, Damage Polarizer. When I would take effect damage, I can reduce the damage to 0 and we both draw a card instead." Zane also had a smile on his face as he explained the effect of his card. No one had given him this much fun in a duel.

"Guess it's my turn, I draw. You know, I just got this card and it already seems like one of the best cards I could hope for. I tribute Jerry Beans Man and my token to summon Anotherverse Dragon!"

The two monsters condensed down into motes of light, spiraling around the center of Clay's field as he called for his new ace monster. The spiraling began to look like a galaxy and from that galaxy a large serpentine dragon appeared and soared into the sky.

"Ruler of the dimension, conqueror of time, show yourself and embody your champions desire!" The dragon floated down and circled Clay as if he was going to crush him, but Clay just jumped up and landed on the dragon's body and allowed it to soar into the air.

"Anotherverse Dragon, attack Zane directly. Black Hole Collapse!" The dragon approached Zane while the stars in its body started to shift. Out from its body three stars flew and created a triangle around Zane where they began to expand into black holes.

There was nowhere for Zane to run, he just stood there and allowed for the singularities to attack his body.

Clay: 4000

Zane: 0