Chapter 9

'I'm in trouble,' Kiefer thought as he stared straight at the board as if he was paying attention to class.

'I keep thinking about that dream,' he thought as he let out a soft sigh.

"Mr. Evans, go to the board and solve problem four," the teacher said as he looked at Kiefer.

Kiefer stared at him, trying to process what the teacher just said. He was too out of it to even understand a word he said that he spaced out for a while.

"Hurry now. We don't have all day," the teacher said and sighed while looking at the alpha.

Kiefer felt someone kick his chair from behind. He turned his head to see why his classmate kicked his chair and when he saw that his classmate was looking at the teacher, Kiefer realized that the teacher had just asked him to do something.

Quickly standing up as soon as he snapped back to reality, Kiefer stuttered as he spoke, "O-Oh, yes. Sorry."

He walked to the board and stared at the problem assigned to him. He then turned his head to his left and saw that Jacob had just finished answering the problem that was assigned to him.

The omega turned to look at him and nodded at him as if telling him to do well. Of course, Jacob would have really wanted him to do well, especially since he was the one who taught him about those problems on the board last night.

'He couldn't have forgotten about what I taught him that quickly, right?' Jacob thought as he faced straight and walked back to his seat.

As soon as he sat on his chair, he looked at Kiefer and saw him solving the problem quietly.

He made a little mistake in the process but soon corrected it right away when he realized there was something off about it.

Jacob couldn't feel any prouder. It was as if he was watching the child he'd been raising grow into a proper adult.

'That's my son,' he jokingly thought to himself as he watched Kiefer finish solving.

Kiefer turned around after answering and met Jacob's eyes. The omega put his thumbs up while nodding, telling him that he did well.

Kiefer unconsciously smiled when he saw the proud look on Jacob's face. He felt satisfied that he was able to reach Jacob's expectations and even make him smile just by solving a simple problem on the board.

Walking back to his seat, Kiefer felt excited for arriving at the correct answer. He felt like he was a new person.

"Maybe I am a genius," he said with a smug look on his face as he looked at his classmates who were seated near him.

"Yeah, dude. You're a genius," his seatmate laughed quietly upon hearing what he said.

They all laughed because of Kiefer's newfound arrogance.

They all knew he was bad at math and was probably only able to answer the problem thanks to Jacob teaching him. However, everything still came down to his own will, because even if he had a good teacher, if he, himself, does not want to learn, then he really wouldn't.

After everyone finished answering the problems assigned to them, the teacher checked their answers and applauded them when almost all of them got the answers correctly.

"Everyone did great. You may take photos of the problems and copy them on your notebooks for the rest of our time. I'll just stay here and then leave once the bell rings," the teacher said while smiling at them and then sat on the chair on the teacher's table in front of the class.

They all took their phones out and took photos of the problems on the board. It did not take much time for the class to become noisy, and so the teacher could not help but tell them to be quiet.

Kiefer stood up from his chair and took photos of the problems on the board. After that, his eyes immediately searched for Jacob and saw him taking photos as well.

He quickly walked towards him and stood in front of the camera and started posing.

Jacob's usually stoic face softened. A smile curved on his lips as he chuckled softly upon seeing how Kiefer was goofing off yet again.

"What are you doing?" Jacob said after taking Kiefer's photos and then lowered his phone.

"Modeling," Kiefer said in an as-a-matter-of-fact tone. "Hah! Sure, you are," the omega scoffed.

Jacob shook his head and went back to his seat. Just like usual, Kiefer followed him and sat on Jacob's seatmate's chair.

"I'm so bored. Wanna hang out later?" Kiefer said as he put his arms on top of the desk and rested his head on top of them.

"My tutor's gonna come later. I can't hang out with you," the omega rejected him right away.

"Eh? You have a tutor?" Kiefer groaned upon hearing the news.

"I do, but we only do our sessions whenever I need it. It's not on a regular basis. This time, I was a bit confused about some things and it's almost finals too. I figured it's about time to get tutored again," Jacob said as he fixed his things in his bag.

"Hmm... When are you free, then?" The alpha asked while watching Jacob zip his bag.

"Probably during Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. But maybe I'll be a little busy during some of those days to study on my own," the omega said as he faced the alpha.

"Aww... It's no fun without you," Kiefer pouted. "I can't do anything about that. Just hang out with your friends or something," the omega chuckled.

And so he did.

Kiefer hung out with his other friends while Jacob was busy getting tutored.

Although spending time with his other friends was fun too, a part of him still wished Jacob was there to hang out with him.

By the time he arrived in front of his house, he turned around to look at Jacob's house, and as if everything was on timing, he saw Jacob coming out from his house with a man.

He wouldn't have paid much attention to them because it must have been his tutor that was with him, but he couldn't help but feel shocked when he saw the kind of face Jacob was showing him.

'He's smiling.'