Chapter 11


Kiefer really did feel sick.

Right after their first period, he rushed to the comfort room and started vomiting in one of the stalls.

'Did I eat something bad?' He thought to himself as he felt his stomach churning once again.

Kiefer continued vomiting in the bathroom for a while until he had nothing to throw up.

He stood up and flushed the toilet as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

'That feeling earlier this morning... It must have been because I was gonna throw up today,' he thought as he let out a sigh and took a deep breath.

He opened the door and saw Jacob standing right out of the stall.

"Do you feel a little better now?" Jacob asked as he handed him a napkin to wipe his mouth with. "Yeah, thanks," the alpha smiled at him as he accepted the napkin.

'It was really just because I wasn't feeling well...' Kiefer thought while wiping his mouth with the napkin.

Jacob stepped closer to him and felt his body freeze when the omega started wiping the sweat on his forehead with a small towel.

"It must have been really bad. We'll stop by the infirmary and then call your mom to pick you up," Jacob said while wiping his sweat.

His hand traveled from Kiefer's forehead down to his neck, wiping his sweat off.

Honestly, it was nothing new because they were both used to taking care of each other, but Kiefer strangely felt awkward.

"Oh, um... I'll go wash my mouth first," Kiefer said as he took a step backward and then walked towards the faucet.

Jacob just watched him walk and do what he had to do.

They were both quiet and the only thing that can be heard was the sound of the water gushing on the faucet.

When Kiefer finished, the omega handed him his handkerchief so he could use it. Kiefer smiled when he accepted it and said, "You came prepared, huh?"

"Of course. When I first came here and heard you vomiting, I went back to the classroom and grabbed the things you might need," Jacob smiled a little as he watched the alpha wipe his face with the handkerchief.

"Thanks, man," Kiefer smiled brightly and threw his arms around Jacob.

The two of them went out of the comfort room and started heading to the infirmary so Kiefer could get some rest before he goes home.

While they were walking in the empty hallway, Kiefer, who had his arm around Jacob's shoulder, glanced at him and looked at him from above.

"Is it alright for you to skip the second period? You'll be missing the lecture," Kiefer said and faced straight.

"It's alright. I've probably gone through them with my tutor, and if I haven't, I can always study by myself and my tutor would probably go through it with me soon," Jacob responded, his eyes straight on the hallway.

Kiefer felt that strange sensation in the pit of his stomach once again.

It was as if he wanted to throw up, but at the same time, he doesn't want to throw up.

"You spend so much time getting tutored, huh?" Kiefer said and chuckled softly. "Yeah. Well, it's almost finals. I have to," Jacob responded briefly.

They finally arrived at the infirmary after a couple of minutes of walking. The moment they entered the room, they found it to be empty and decided to just head to one of the beds.

"Lay here and rest. I'll stay with you until the nurse arrives," Jacob said as he moved the blanket and tapped the bed.

Kiefer obediently did as he instructed and lay on the bed as per what Jacob said. The omega tucked him under the blanket and flattened it with his palm as if warming Kiefer up.

"Would you like to inhale some menthol?" Jacob asked as he brushed Kiefer's hair back so his forehead wouldn't feel hot.

The alpha shook his head a little and said, "It's fine. I'm all good."

Kiefer was saying the truth. It really was fine and he felt comfortable even without inhaling menthol like he usually does after he vomits.

"Okay. Just tell me if you need anything," Jacob said and then grabbed a chair nearby and carried it next to the alpha's bed.

They were silent for a while. Jacob was never a chatty person and Kiefer wasn't really in the best state to talk so much.

But then suddenly...

"Can you hold my hand?"

Jacob looked at Kiefer and felt his lips curve into a smile when he saw how the alpha suddenly acted like a little kid in front of him.

"Sure," he responded and held Kiefer's hand.

They stayed like that in silence for a while.

And just like that, Kiefer felt more comfortable than earlier and eventually fell asleep while waiting for the nurse to come.

Quite some time had passed and Kiefer opened his eyes and looked at his side but found no one there.

He slowly sat up and got off the bed. He moved the curtains and looked around only to find the nurse sitting behind the table while writing something on a paper.

"Oh, you're already awake," the nurse said as soon as she noticed that Kiefer had already woken up. She got up from her seat and approached him.

"Do you still feel sick?" She asked as she checked his appearance. "No. I feel better now, thank you," Kiefer responded with a smile on his face.

"That's good to hear but you should still go home to get some rest, okay? I'll call your guardian to pick you up," the nurse said and smiled at him. She then went back to the table and started dialing someone's number on the telephone.

"Thank you," Kiefer said as he watched the nurse wait for someone to answer the call.

"Oh, by the way, your friend from earlier... Jacob, was it? I told him to go back to class when I got here. He's a good friend," the nurse smiled while holding the telephone against her ear.

"Oh, someone picked up. Hold on," she whispered with a smile on her face.

While the nurse was talking on the telephone, Kiefer felt another strange sensation that was slightly different from what he felt earlier this morning.

It was as if something was tickling his stomach.

He covered his mouth as he tried to suppress his smile when he imagined Jacob staying with him while holding his hand in his sleep.

'I'm so lucky he's my best friend.'