Chapter 15

Sitting on the dining table with Jacob, Chie, and of course, Leo, Kiefer watched Jacob put some food on Leo's plate.

"Eat up. Kiefer cooked this. He's really good at cooking," Jacob proudly said and threw a glance at Kiefer.

The alpha felt mixed emotions about it.

He was happy that Jacob complimented his cooking, but at the same time, he didn't feel very good about it because it was Leo who was gonna eat his food.

"I hope you enjoy it," Kiefer smiled despite how he actually felt about it.

Leo smiled at him and said, "Thanks."

The entire time they ate, Kiefer was quiet as he listened to Jacob and Leo talk about their tutoring session from earlier.

Kiefer couldn't really relate to their conversation because they were talking about mathematics and he greatly sucks when it comes to numbers, so he just remained quiet instead of joining in on their conversation and making it obvious that he sucks at math.

"The food was great. Thank you, Mrs. King, Jake, and Kiefer," Leo said as he stood by the front door.

"You're more than welcome, dear. Let's have dinner again together during your next session with my Jakey," Chie said with a bright smile on her face.

"I'll see him off at the gate, Mom," Jacob said before their conversation lengthens.

Jacob and Leo headed out, leaving Kiefer and Chie alone in the living room. The alpha was debating in his head whether he should go out or not to see Leo off together with Jacob, but he couldn't seem to decide right away.

Eventually, Kiefer decided to go out and see him off with the omega.

Kiefer opened the door after telling Chie that he'd go out for a while to see Leo off and as soon as he got out, the first thing he saw was Leo slightly bending his back to level his head with Jacob's, and Jacob inching his face closer to Leo's.

Kiefer froze on his feet.

That certainly didn't look like something he should interrupt.

Kiefer looked away and went back inside, leaving the two of them alone. He sat on the sofa and stared blankly at the wall, his head getting filled with several thoughts.

He couldn't seem to describe the feeling he was feeling at the moment. There was an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of his stomach and his chest was clenching and felt as though he couldn't breathe properly.

That was the first time he's ever seen Jacob become so intimate with someone that wasn't him.

He could only come up with one conclusion after everything he had seen.

"Do you like him?" Kiefer asked as soon as Jacob came inside.

"Who? Leo?" Jacob asked as he walked towards the alpha. He then sat next to him and grabbed the remote that was on the coffee table.

"Yeah, him," Kiefer said, not even wanting to say his name.

Jacob turned the TV on and looked at Kiefer with a smile on his face as he said, "Yeah, I do."

The news played on the TV while Kiefer felt the same sensation he felt earlier.

There it was again, the uncomfortable feeling in the pit of his stomach.

But contradicting what he truly felt, Kiefer smiled and laughed when he heard Jacob's answer.

"Ah, I knew it. He's pretty good-looking, right? He's smart too," Kiefer said with a huge smile on his face.

Jacob stared at him and said, "What's wrong? You don't look so good. Are you sick?"

"Huh? What are you talking about? I'm totally fine," Kiefer said, still wearing a smile on his face.

"Huh... Sure," Jacob said with a doubtful look in his eyes, not believing a single word that Kiefer said to him.

"Really. I'm fine. It's just that I..." Kiefer paused.

He didn't know what to say after.

'What do I want to say?' He thought to himself, wondering why he stopped talking midway.

"I realized I really sucked at studying and maybe I should get a tutor for the upcoming finals," Kiefer awkwardly laughed, making up an excuse on the spot.

"Oh! Great! I asked Leo about that just now and he said he's willing to take another student. Would you like to get tutored together with me?" Jacob asked, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

'It's not every day that Kiefer thinks about wanting to study. I should convince him somehow,' Jacob thought while staring at the alpha.

"Oh, uh..." Kiefer didn't know what to say again.

He just said whatever came to mind without thinking about how Jacob could possibly respond. After all, he was just making up something to complete the sentence that he said mindlessly.

"Yeah, sure," Kiefer said with a smile on his face.

'I'm so gonna regret this,' he thought as he imagined himself studying outside school hours.

"Really? You're not gonna take this back, are you?" Jacob said as he leaned closer toward him while staring directly into his eyes with sparkling eyes.

'Or maybe not...' Kiefer thought as he smiled upon seeing the way Jacob's face lit up.

"Yeah, nerd. I'm not gonna take it back," Kiefer chuckled when he saw how happy Jacob looked when he said he was gonna study with him.

'Seriously, he gets so happy about the tiniest things,' he thought as he watched a huge smile curve on Jacob's lips, a smile that he doesn't see very often.

"Hold on, say it again. I'm gonna record it," Jacob said as he grabbed his phone and opened an app to record Kiefer's voice.

"Come on, we've been friends since diapers and you're still doubting me," Kiefer pouted when he saw that Jacob had already started recording.

"That's exactly why I'm doing this. It's because we've been friends since diapers that I'm doing something like this," Jacob said and scoffed as he remembered the number of times Kiefer tried to back out from studying with him.

Kiefer sighed as he scratched the back of his head and gave up, "Fine."

"I, Kiefer Evans, am gonna get tutored with Jacob King for the finals and I'm not gonna take it back. Satisfied now?" Kiefer said and a half-smile curved on his lips.

"Yeah, thanks," Jacob said as he stopped recording. "Let's start during my next schedule. It's the day after tomorrow. Is that cool with you?" He continued as he smiled excitedly.

"Sure," Kiefer responded and let out a soft chuckle, finding Jacob cute for getting so excited about it.

'He's such a nerd,' he thought as he watched Jacob send him a copy of the voice recording he took just now.

'Thinking back about what I felt earlier, it's probably just me feeling a little jealous because my best friend found a new friend,' he thought as he let out a soft sigh with a little smile on his face.

'That was so childish of me, wasn't it?'