Chapter 25

"You've had your piercings for a while now. I believe you've already received your fair share of warnings," Kiefer's homeroom teacher said as he looked up at the alpha from his seat.

"But, Teach, I was told not to remove this until my ears fully heal. I might get an infection, you know," the alpha said while looking at his teacher with puppy eyes.

"Then, why did you get piercings while you're still in high school? That's a dress code violation, Kiefer," his teacher sighed.

"Please, Teach... I've been a good student until now. I'll just wear them until my ears heal. I promise," Kiefer said, still looking at him with puppy eyes.

"Seriously, this kid... Fine. I'll let you off. Leave and have your lunch already," his teacher said and waved his hand, gesturing for him to go away.

"Thanks, Teach! You're the best!" Kiefer beamed and threw him a flying kiss, making his teacher roll his eyes and chuckle while shaking his head as he watched the alpha leave the faculty room.

Maybe it was because he was pretty close with their homeroom teacher, maybe it was because he was an alpha, maybe it was because he was handsome, or maybe it was because his charm worked its magic on his teacher—regardless of whatever the reason was, Kiefer was able to get away with having pierced ears so easily.

After leaving the faculty room, he went to the west wing of the building where most of the vending machines were and bought a few snacks along with some drinks from there.

He still had time to eat lunch, but instead of going to the cafeteria to eat, he went back to their classroom instead.

Even though he knew he should be eating lunch right now, he couldn't bring himself to because he knew it would be hard to swallow food when he knew he made Jacob upset.

After their fight back in middle school, Kiefer always gets an upset stomach when he eats whenever he and Jacob fight about something no matter how big or little it is. That was why he thought it would be better if he didn't eat anything at all.

While he waited for Jacob in their classroom, Kiefer decided to take his phone out and play a game.

Killing time like that, Kiefer's classmates came back to the classroom after having lunch. And by 12:30 PM, Jacob finally came back to the classroom along with Kiefer's friends.

"Dude, why didn't you go to the cafeteria?" Sean asked as he walked towards Kiefer and sat on his desk. "Why? Was lunch good?" Kiefer asked with raised brows.

"Nah. We had meatballs and I'm not kidding when I tell you that I couldn't even tell if what we ate were meatballs or flour balls," Sean made a disgusted look on his face and pretended to gag.

"I made the right decision, then," Kiefer chuckled. "You should have gone. What kind of friend are you, not sharing the suffering of your comrades?" Sean frowned at him.

"Pretty sure you still ate everything though," the alpha laughed. "Hold on. I'll go talk to Jacob for a while," Kiefer continued as he stood up from his seat and grabbed the snacks and drinks he bought for Jacob.

'If lunch didn't taste good, he probably didn't eat much. He would get hungry in a while, so these should make him full,' the alpha thought.

While walking to the omega's desk, his friends followed him with their eyes, watching what he was gonna do next.

"Snacks? I bought your favorites," Kiefer smiled as he placed the snacks and drinks on Jacob's desk.

Jacob stared at the food that was on his desk and ignored Kiefer. He took his notebook from his bag and started going through his notes, not bothering to look at Kiefer or the food he gave him.

"Jake, I know you're mad at me, but you should eat. You'll get hungry later," the alpha said in a soft tone so those around him wouldn't hear what he said.

The omega continued reading his notes, but after a couple of minutes, he put his notebook down and opened one of the snacks.

"Thanks," he mumbled and ate what Kiefer gave him.

A smile curved on Kiefer's lips as he watched the omega eat the food he gave him. He felt like he was getting full just from watching him and he was more than satisfied when he saw that Jacob seemed to be enjoying the food.

"I'll go back to my seat first," Kiefer said with a smile on his face and went back to his seat.

Right after Kiefer had taken a seat, just like what happened earlier this morning, Elijah went to Jacob's desk. And just like what happened earlier, he felt annoyed again.

"Heh. You're frowning," Jaden sat on Kiefer's desk and grinned when he saw the expression Kiefer had on his face. The alpha looked at him and raised a brow, getting annoyed at him now too because of what he pointed out.

"What's up? Scared that your best friend might get taken away by someone else?" Jaden jokingly said, amused that Kiefer wasn't hiding his displeasure about the situation.

"What are you talking about? It's not like that," Kiefer said and sighed as he took his phone from his pocket.

He started going through his apps randomly just so he could do something to divert his attention elsewhere, but Jaden continued speaking.

"Then, what is it? You kept glaring at Eli. It's not like he's doing something wrong. You're not dating Jacob either. What's there to get so annoyed about?" Jaden smiled.

"You're starting to piss me off. It's nothing like that, and I'm not annoyed," Kiefer said as he glared up at him.

"Sure. You're clearly glaring at me, though?" Jaden chuckled. He then leaned in a little closer to Kiefer and said, "Look, Kief. I may be a little on the dumber side, but even I can tell Elijah likes him."

"Will you be okay if they start dating?"