
In a world of magic and mystery even mythical creatures roamed theses very grounds. Yet everything all depends on a girl. This girl lives in a small quaint town. The town of Elansilvill which was under the protection of the great kingdom. However that doesn't matter quite much for not even the kingdom was ready for what's coming.

For not even the main character.

The sky was a bright blue with no cloud in sight. There was a light breeze that flys through this small town ending at the little cottage just out of the town. The door flys open and a girl holding a basket steps out. The girl had blonde hair which shines brightly in the sun, along with her big brown eyes, she also had on a lovely gown not too flashy yet it was a beautiful light blue with a bit of white. The basket the girl held was filled with flowers. The girl quickly walks down a small rock path, as her small blue flats poke out from underneath her dress, they tap on the rocks. The girl was walking on rock but soon she turns left following a dirt path but she slows down as she walks up to a massive well. The girl turns as she smiles brightly she says "flowers for sale! Come on make you're wife happy after that stupid thing you did." When a man steps up, he had dark brown hair with a few gray hairs along with his green eyes, however what mostly stands out is his pointed ears. The man says "do you have a rose perhaps?" The girl smiles and says "of course," as she looks down to her basket a lock of the girls blonde hair falls foward, she quickly pushes it behind her ear, revealing her ear is pointed. The girl holds up two roses, one pink and one red. The girl says "I have two different colors." The man replies "I'll take both," as he held out his hand. The girl puts her hand out as the man drops a gold coin into her hand. The man takes the two roses as he said "thank you Elliane."

Elliane smiles as she thinks "he is so kind to his wife." Soon Elliane was surrounded by people buying flowers. Elliane says "thank you so much," as man walks away holding flowers. Elliane looks down to her basket to see just a few flowers left. Elliane was still looking down as a man with blonde hair and green eyes walks to Elliane. The man clears his throat and he says "do you have a red rose?" Elliane looks up as her eyes widen she replies "uh yes," as she holds out a red rose. The man grabs the rose as he gives Elliane a gold coin. Elliane looks down and the man smiles as he says "how are you my dear sugarplum?" Elliane looks up as she quickly turns. The mans eyes widen and he opens his mouth to say something. When a man walks up as he says "do you have a tulip?" Elliane responds "yes," as she holds out four tulips. The man smiles as he grabs them he holds out a sliver coin. Elliane says "this is to much are you sure?" The man says "of course." Elliane accepts the coin as she says "thank you," the man walks off. Elliane turns slightly to see the man still standing there with a smile. Elliane's eyes widen and she instantly looked away. The man sighs and says "sugarplum please talk to me." Elliane sighs as she responds "I'm working Anazar." Anazar sighs and asks "you could still talk right?" Elliane sighs and replies "why are you talking to me go give that rose to you're girl." Elliane turns but Anazar steps infront of Elliane as he held out the rose he says "please let me explain, you are my sugarplum." Elliane's eyes widen and she steps back as she looked down. Anazar looks down before stepping foward as he suddenly pushed Elliane's chin up with only two fingers. Elliane's eyes widen and Anazar says "I told you it was my sister." Elliane slaps Anazar's hand as she says "I've known you my whole life, you never mentioned you had a sister." Anazar replies "I didn't think it was important." Elliane responds "just please go I'm working." Anazar says "you have to talk to a customer right?" Elliane's eyebrows furrow as she snaps "you just got a rose." Anazar grabs the flowers from the basket. Elliane's eyes widen as Anazar fixed the tulips around the rose. Anazar then hold up a gold coin as he says "keep the change." Elliane grabs the coin and responds "thank you have a nice day," she quickly turns walking away. When Anazar grabs Elliane's arm, she looks to Anazar as he says "well sense you're not working anymore." Elliane pulled her arm away as she responds "I'm busy," she quickly turns walking away.

Elliane walks back to the little cottage, she walks up the rock path and she then walks around the little cottage. Behind the little cottage was a small garden with bushes and even beautiful wild flowers. Elliane places her basket down as she walks by the wild flowers some open up more and few even bud. Elliane stops infront of the a bush as she places her hands above it. As a rose bud starts to bloom Elliane smiles. When Anazar says "Elliane?" Elliane gasps, suddenly the rose shut. Elliane's eyes widen and she turns looking furious. Anazar was on the other side of the small stone fence, he leans on the rocks as his smile grew he asks "do you need help?" Elliane huffs as she responds "I need you to stay away." Anazar stood straight and he replies "let me make you dinner while you eat I can explain." Elliane responds "no." Anazar's eyes widen as Elliane grabs her basket and walks back around the little cottage. Elliane walks to the door, pulling it open and steps in. When Anazar asks "can I come in?" when Elliane turns to see Anazar holding the door open. Elliane responds "no you can't." Anazar sighs as Elliane turns more into the little cottage. In front of Elliane was a small kitchen with a fire. Besides the kitchen was a big bed with a chest at the end of the bed. Then not far from the bed was a door. Elliane walks towards her kitchen and sets her basket on the table as she sighs when Anazar clears his throat. Elliane quickly turns to see Anazar leaning against the door. Elliane clenched her fist as she walks to the door. Anazar smiles brightly and Elliane starts trying to pull the door yet it doesn't move. As Elliane glares at Anazar he smirks. Anazar leans forward as he says "fine I'll go." Elliane smiles when Anazar leans foward just a few inches away from Elliane's face. Anazar says "if you take these flowers I will." Elliane wasn't having it and Anazar looks away before completely planting a kiss on Elliane's forehead. Elliane's eyes widen as Anazar turns leaving. Elliane shut the door as she lets out a breath she says "finally."

Elliane walks to the table as she grabs her basket she thinks "I should pick flowers for tomorrow." Elliane grabs her basket and turns walking to the door, as she steps out the little cottage she hums then walks down the rock path. Elliane turns walking towards the trees, she slightly paused as she looks to the trees. Elliane walks into the trees as she looks around for flowers. Elliane was searching and she spots a small white daisy. Elliane kneels she pulls the flower out the ground and places it in her basket. Elliane places her hand over the flower stem as the small white daisy suddenly regrew. Elliane stood as she turns she smiles as she walks to two tulips. Elliane kneels and pulls the tulips braking the stems before placing them in her basket. Elliane was about to place her hand above the stems when Snap! Elliane's eyes widen and she turns looking more into the forest. Elliane stood she walks deeper into the forest. As Elliane looks around just before her was a man laying in the grass. The man had long black hair and tan skin tone, he also was only wearing shorts. As Elliane turns her eyes widen to see the man. Elliane walks up to the man as she says "excuse me?" Elliane kneels as she taps the mans shoulder. The man slightly moves his eyes as his eyes open slightly showing his light blue eyes. As the man shut his eyes his long black hair moves as his rounded ear is revealed. Elliane's eyes widen as she says "rounded?" Elliane looks down the mans chest as she thinks "he is so fit but where did he come from?" Elliane's eyes widen to see blood on the man arm. Elliane gasps as she drops her basket.

Soon Elliane steps out the forest as she struggles holding the man on her back. Elliane stumbles forward as she separated her feet trying to not fall. Elliane let's out a breath as she continues to her little cottage. Elliane stumbles up the rock path, pulling the door open and quickly walks to the bed. As Elliane drops the man on her bed she lets out a breath. Elliane glances at the man to see he was much to tall for the bed as his feet were touching the ground. Elliane quickly walks to the kitchen as she starts going thru a box. Elliane walks back with a pan with water and gauze. Elliane stops before the man and she says "it's okay I got you." Elliane moves the mans arm and sees a bloody wound she then starts to clean it. Soon Elliane was wrapping up the mans arm with gauze. Elliane looks to the man as she grabs the now bloodstained rag. Elliane walks to her kitchen as she places everything besides the table on the floor. Elliane sighs and looks to the man. Elliane walks to the end of the bed, then starts tugging at the chest at the end of the bed. Elliane pulls the chest out a bit then she puts the mans legs on it as she says "there a little better." Elliane walks back to the kitchen and she walks towards the cabinet, she pulled on the cabinet door as she grabs a small container. Elliane opens the small container to show small red balls and she grabs one as she bites into it to revealing it's fluffy center. Elliane was eating as she closes the cabinet door. Elliane walks to the table as she eats another red ball. As Elliane eats another she turns looking to the man. Elliane's eyes widen and she gasps as she drops the ball in her hand she sets the container on the table, then she grabs gauze before running to the man who's wrapped arm was now red. Soon Elliane had rewrapped the mans arm. Elliane walks back to her kitchen and she drops the now red bandages by the stained towel. Elliane closed the container as she sighs. Elliane stretches as she yawns, before looking to her bed and she says "alright."

As the dark midnight sky rolls out of view, the Sun rises.

*Elliane's F.P.O.V.*

My eyes open and I groan as I sit up I think" this floor is hard." My eyes widen and I turn to see the man still asleep. I push myself off the floor as I walk to the bed. The man didn't looked like he moved at all. As I look to his arm I smile to see the bandages still white. I think "oh I might need more gauze. Also I don't have normal food." I walk to the door by my bed and push it open then step in as the door shuts behind me. I lock the door and turn as I was standing infront of the mirror. Below the mirror was my sink which was beside my toilet then my small tub. I turn right and I step into a small closet. Along the wall on the floor were chests. I walk to a chest and open it. As I look thru dresses I pick out a outfit.

After I do my business and change I step out the restroom dressed in a dark blue dress with light blue. The dress's straps went around my arm dangling.

I think "this is my prettiest dress." I glance to the man as I walk to the chest. I try to open the chest and I gasp as I shake my hands as I think "heavy!" I grab the chest and open it slightly as I reach in I grab a book then pull the book out of the chest and it instantly shuts. I sighs and stood as I walk to the kitchen I open the book. The book was black and the pages looked old. As I flip thru the pages I stop on one as I read. I think "mhmm doesn't sound to hard I just need the food." I set the book on the table as I put my hands at my waist my eyes widen as I think "ah my money." I walk back to the restroom and step in. I walk to the closet as the door shut behind me. I grab my dress off the floor and grab a bag off it. I tie the bag onto my dress as I walk back into the restroom. As I pass the mirror I stop to look at my hair. I grab my comb as I then start to brush it. I put the comb down as I pin my hair in a twisted messy bun, with parts of my hair slightly pour out over my eyes. I walk out the restroom as I think "alright ready." I glance to the man as I walk to the door. I step out the front door and shut it as I turn walking down the rock path. With each step my flats poke out from underneath my dress. As I walk into town I push a lock of my hair behind my ear.

After passing the massive well I walk more into the small marketplace. As I look around I see a shop selling food. I walk to the small shop and there was a little girl, she had brown hair and green eyes. The little girl smiles brightly at me as she says "hi my Mami isn't here at the moment but I can help you." I say "well I need something called meat and some seasonings." The little girl pulls a wrapped paper bag out from underneath the table and she places it on the table she says "this is the meat it's a gold coin for this big piece but if you wait my mother can cut it." I think "well he is a big muscular man I should get a lot." I say "that size is perfect." The little girl smiles and says "what seasonings would you like?" The little girl grabs a box from under the table and she places it on the table. In the box was small glass bottles. As I pick one up I see it's filled with powder. The little girl smiles and I place the glass bottle back down and say "do you know which one is which and well what exactly does it taste like?" The little girl looks to the glass bottles as she starts to put some on the side. The little girl says "this one tastes like chicken and this one tastes like beef I know you pair it with the same type of meat." The little girl points to the next bottle as she said "this one is spicy it's not my favorite." The little girl points to the next one as she says "this one is like garlic but a powder." The little girl points to the last bottle as she says "this one is my favorite it's like spicy but not, it also tastes well with anything." I smile and say "I'll take the beef one, the garlic one and the one that's you're favorite." The little girl smiles as she grabs the glass bottles she wrapped them. I turn to see the market place quite full. I sigh as I think "I hope Anazar isn't here." When the little girl clears her throat as she says "alright now this should be one gold coin and one sliver." I look to the little girl as she was still holding a bag. I open the bag on my waist and grab coins. I hold my hand out and drop three gold coins. As the coins hit the table one even rolled slightly. The little girl's eyes widen as her mouth fell open. I smile and say it's a tip." The little girl smiles as she says "I don't know why Mami said you you're weird I think you're nice." My eyes widen and I just smile as I say "thank you." The little girl held out the bag and I grab it. When a woman with brown hair and green eyes walks up from behind holding a basket of fruit. As the woman looks to me her eyes widen. I turn as the little girl says "thank you so much." I walk to another shop I look around. I think "what else did I need?" When suddenly a woman said "excuse me." I turn to see the woman who owns the food shop. I say "yes?" The woman says "I believe you accidentally gave my daughter the wrong amount." As the woman held up her hand showing two gold coins. I simply push the woman's hand closed as I say "remember you said I was weird not stupid." The woman's eyes widen and I turn as I walk to a small shop. The shop had a curtain infront of it. As I push at the curtain it suddenly opened as a man leans forward. The man had black-grey hair and blue eyes. As I lean back I say "Doctor." The man smiles as he says "I told you Elliane call me Nile." I say "right it's just a habit." Nile steps back into his shop as he says "what did you need Elliane?" I say "I needed some more gauze and maybe some medicine for a open wound." Nile thought for a moment before his eyes rolled over me. Nile says "are you injured? I don't think so you're wearing you're mother's dress." I say "no I'm buying it for someone." Nile says "if you like I can do it myself or you can but I do have the medicine." As Nile turns he opens a chest. I turn glancing back as I can see the little girl. The little girl was laughing with her mother. I smile and turn looking to Nile as he was gathering things.

When there was a loud scream. As I turn I see a hooded figure taking the little girl. As the woman screams "Lay!" She darts forward but trips.

Instantly the bag in my hands falls as I run after the hooded figure. As I hold the front of my dress I run faster trying to keep up. I turn a corner I see the hooded figure in front of me. I put my hands in front of me as I focus, I shut my eyes. When a man gasps I open my eyes to see the grass grew straight up. As the hooded figure had fallen back, even there hood fell back to revealing their black messy hair. As the man groans suddenly Lay stood as she jumps off the man. My eyes widen as I run towards Lay. The man suddenly turns grabbing Lay's leg as he stood. Lay screams as she trips. The man suddenly pulled out a knife as he looks to Lay. Lay had just stood up as the man raised his knife. Just as I had reached Lay I push her back as the man shot his arm down. Instantly pain shot up my right arm. I gasp as I slightly stumbles back. The mans brown eyes were set on me as he said "this is you're fault!" My eyes widen and my breathing stops as I just see red on my right arm. As I stubble back Lay runs behind me. When the man clenched his fist as he darts to me. I push Lay back as I dart foward. As the man raised his knife with both hands. I caught the mans hands stoping the knife just inches from my face. The man grunts as he pushes his arms down. I struggle holding the mans arms up as my flats start to slide in the ground.

I gasp when the man moves his arms as he suddenly slams his head into my forehead. I stumble back as I held my head with my left arm. When the man turns as he kicks me in my stomach. I fall back which knocked all the air out of my lungs. I gasp as I try to sit up. When the man grabs my legs as he suddenly started to drag me towards the forest. I gasp as I try to pull my legs. The man was mumbling something and I scream as suddenly my fingers feel grass. My eyes widen as grass starts wrapping over me. The man pulled me braking the grass when suddenly the grass shot up to the man. The man stumbles back as he grabs the grass. I try to push myself up but pain shot up my right arm. I fall back down as I let out a breath I think "crap where the fuck is Anazar? Out of all the times he wouldn't leave me alone." When I look behind me to see a guy leading some of the men even Nile. I completely collapse as the men run up. The man in front of me puts his hood on as he runs into the forest. As men run around me I look to the sky. I can hear the men shouting as Nile kneels beside me. I give a smile and Nile says "don't move I got you darling." As my eyes feel heavy they shut but I can hear a unfamiliar male voice say "is she okay?" Nile says "I need to get her to my shop."

As everything blurred it was only darkness.

* On a rainy day I stand alone at a gave with no plot. The ground was still freshly filled in. As I wipe a tear off my cheek suddenly someone clears their throat. I turn to see Nile the town doctor, with no grey hairs he slightly looked younger. Nile kneels down to eye level as he says" hey you'll catch a cold, you should come inside." I sniff as I look to the grave. Nile says" hey it's okay I got you darling," as he held out a hand. I look to Nile as I grab his hand.*

I suddenly awake when a sharp pain shot up my right arm. I look around to see I'm in Niles shop, as Nile was wrapping my right arm. Nile smiles and says "hey you got me scared for a minute, it doesn't normally take you that long." I reply "I don't exactly know how long it takes." Nile smiles as he says "I remember everyone used to freak out when you passed out from just scraping you're knee." I slightly laugh as I say "it was funny." Nile laughs as he says "I remember it so clearly Anazar ran in completely crying he thought his best friend died." I smile as I look down. Nile's eyes brow raised as he says "is something the matter? Did something happen between you and Anazar?" I say "oh what no." Nile says "you're a terrible liar." I sigh and Nile tucks the end of the gauze under my now wrapped arm. Nile says "what happened?" I say "does Anazar has a sister?" Nile's eyes widen as he suddenly clenched his fist he says "what did he do?" Nile stood as I look up to him, his face looked furious. I say "nothing please calm down." Nile clenched his fist and I think "Nile is the only person I'm close to, almost like a father figure."

When suddenly the curtain flys open and standing there was the guy who lead the men to me. The guy had dark brown hair with green eyes, he was breathing heavily and just staring at me. I smile but before I could say a word. The guy grabs my left hand as he says "thank you." My eyes widen and Nile says "calm down Liam." Liam let's my hand go as he says "please forgive me it's just you saved my little sister." I say "well of course." Nile grabs a bag as he says "I have you're stuff Elliane." I say "thanks." As I reach for the bag Nile says "nope I'll walk you home." I say "you can't leave you're shop I'll be fine." Nile says "I can close it for two minutes."

When Liam says "I can walk her home."

My eyes widen and Nile says "oh well I guess that would work." Nile looks to me and I look down. Nile says "we aren't done talking Elliane." I nod as I stand Nile gives my bag to Liam and I step out. I could only take a step before Lay runs to me hugging my legs. Liam gasps as he says "watch it." I say "it's fine." As the woman from before walks up. As Lay says "see Mami I told you she is nice not weird." The woman's eyes widen as her face filled with embarrassment. Liam says "what are you talking about?" As he looks to the woman. When Lay says "Mami always said to stay away from-" when the woman taps Lay's head as she says "forgive her she is just a child." Liam says "she never does that." The woman's eyes widen and I say "it's fine I'd rather be weird than what you think is normal." The woman says "wait-" I turn walking away and I can hear footsteps behind me. I turn back to see Liam following me but he was looking down.

I sigh and say "just give me the bag." Liam's eyes widen as he looks to me he says "no." My eyes widen and Liam slightly blushes as he says "I don't mind walking you." I say "oh," as I push a lock of my hair behind my ear. Liam says "so you're name is Elliane?" I say "yes it is," as I smile. I continue walking as Liam follows he says "it's a beautiful name." I say "thank you." Liam says "of course.. uh well I apologize about my mother." I say "it's okay that must have been the reason why you avoided me." Liam's eyes widen as he says "ah I was a kid." I laugh as I say "I remember when you ran from me-" I laugh more then continue to say "but you ran into the wall." Liam smiles and says "that one was actually because you are very beautiful." My eyes widen as I look to Liam. Liam was already looking to me but he turns as he stops walking. I stop walking as I say "thank you." Liam says "oh don't thank me." I say "to late also thanks for walking me you really didn't have to." Liam says "I don't mind it at all." I smile and Liam slightly blushes as he quickly looks away. I look to my cottage and my eyes widen as I see Anazar at my door. Liam steps forward as he says "well almost there." I gasp as I stop Liam before my rock path I say "thank you so much but I will take this."

As I reach for the bag all of a sudden the bag was snatched out of Liam's hand's. As I look to see Anazar staring at Liam. Liam says "excuse me?" Anazar says "what exactly happened to you?" As he looks to me. My eyes widen and I say "nothing," as I look to Liam I say "thanks." Liam nods as he turns walking off. I look to Anazar as I say "what is you're deal?" Anazar says "you have to be kidding you are literally injured and some random guy was with you." I sigh as I snatch my bag back but Anazar pulled the bag behind him. My eyes widen as I finally see in Anazar's other hand held my basket. I say "you have my basket?" Anazar says "yes I found it." As Anazar turns he walks down the rock path. My eyes widen as I run after Anazar. Anazar places my bag in the basket as he reached for the door. I gasp as I dart around Anazar then quickly slide infront of my door. Anazar's eyes widen as he says "are you feeling okay?" I say "yes." I reach for my basket as Anazar suddenly put it behind him. Anazar leans forward as I push myself into my door I look down. Anazar suddenly pushed my chin up with two fingers. My eyes widen as Anazar leans more into my face. Anazar says "I miss you." My mouth fell open a bit as I push at Anazar hand. Anazar looked furious as he says "you aren't going to say it back?" I say "uh Anazar I need you to go." Anazar's eyes widen as he suddenly punched the door besides my head. My eyes widen Anazar clenched his fist as he says "I'm sorry you don't have to say it back Elliane I just-" Instantly I grab my basket as I quickly open the door and slide in. I shut the door locking it as I let out a breath.

I could only take a step back before I completely fall to my knees, I set my basket down beside me. My eyes widen and I turn to see my bed made and even the chest was back against the bed. I push myself off the floor as I say "hello?" I walk to the restroom door as I raised my hand to knock, I pause.

I knock but it was silent. I slowly push the door and it opens. I slowly look in to find the restroom empty. My eyes widen and I walk to my small closet. With my small closet empty I walk back out my restroom. I sigh as I walk to my basket. I pick up my basket. I set my basket on the table. As I start opening my bag to find the medicine and gauze then the food. I sigh as I put the food in a container I think "was that a dream? No way." My eyes widen as I close the container I softly set it on the table. I look under the table and my eyes widen to see the blood stained rag and gauze. I think "of course it happened. Well I hope he is fine then." I sigh as look down to my arm. I close my eyes and walk around the table as I placed my hand above the floor. Suddenly a thick square shaped trunk grows out. As now there was a bench made of pure wood. I sit as I push my basket more into the middle of the table. I sigh as I placed my hands on the table. As I look down I couldn't help but feel so low. My heart aches and I put my head on the table. As I shut my eyes almost instantly I remember when exactly it felt like my heart was shattered.

This memory used to make me happy, now it just hurts.

* I was crying while I leaned up by a tree. Just sobbing. When Anazar says "why are you crying?" I look up to see Anazar slightly younger as he smiles at me. I look down and Anazar kneels before me as he says "what happened?" I say "you were right I tried to talk to the other kids they ran away or called me a freak." I bury my face into my legs as I sob. Anazar says "who said that?" I shake my head and Anazar says "well I'll always be by you're side." I say "you're my best friend of course you would say that." Anazar says "no it's not because of that." Anazar stood as he held his hand out he says "it's because I'm falling for you." My eyes widen as even I could feel my face turn red. Anazar smiles as he says "there we go you stopped crying." I stand as I push Anazar I say "don't joke like that." Anazar grabs my hand and I look to him. Anazar looked serious as he says "I wasn't joking and if it's okay with you. I want for us to get married." I gasp as I step back. Anazar says "Elliane will you wait for me? We can grow up together and even travel the world." My eyes widen as I say "yes a million times yes." Anazar suddenly hugs me.*

When Knock! Knock! My eyes widen as I turn looking to the door. I say "Go away Anazar!" When the door unlocked my eyes widen as I say "ah fuc-" I paused as Nile steps in. Nile says "I made dinner," as he held up a bag. I say "sorry I thought you were-" when Nile interuped me by saying "ah sh food first." I smile and look down but my eyes widen to see the wooden table grew over my right wrist. I brake the branch in between the bracelet and the table. As I move it around my wrist I smile. Nile sits beside me he opens a bag pulling out two containers. As Nile sets it on the table he opens the first one showing actual food. Nile says "you're more than welcome to try what I made for myself." I smile and say "thank you." Nile sets a container infront of me, and I look to the container I say "thank you I really do appreciate you making this for me." Nile says "of course." I lean over the table and grab my container. Nile starts eating. I open my container to show the last two red balls left. I grab one and start eating it. Nile says "is that the last one I gave you?" I nod as I eat the rest of the red ball. Nile smiles as I close my container and set it aside. Nile was eating and I open the container he brought me to show it filled all the way to the top of these red balls. I smile as I say "thank you Nile." Nile says "of course but stop thanking me." As I grab one I bite into it. Nile sighs as he stabs a piece of meat he hold it out as he says "wanna try it?" My eyes widen as I think "I haven't eaten elf's food since I was a kid." I take the piece of meat. Nile smiles and I bite into it. My eyes widen as I cough I say "it's something." Nile says "it's fine." I continue eating the red balls. After a second I close my container. Nile says "you did always finish eating you're food before me." I laugh as I say "I think it's just because I eat less." Nile says "it's due to you're power most likely." I look down when I hear the snap of a container lid closing. I look to Nile to see him already staring. I clenched my fist and look down. Nile says "well explain Elliane." I sigh and say. When Knock! Knock! Interrupt me. I sit up as I look to the door. When Anazar says "Elliane come on." I clenched my fist and say. When Nile put his hand on my mouth. My eyes widen as Nile stood he looked to the door. Anazar bangs on the door as he yelled "open the door I just- ugh Elliane!" Nile clenched his fist as he walks to the door. I walk to the wall as I lean against it. Nile glances at me before opening the door. As Nile slightly opens he slides out the door. I can hear Anazar clear his throat. Nile says "do you always bang on my daughter's door like that?" Anazar says "no sir I just ....was worried I saw her walking home she didn't look well." Nile says "she is sleeping." Anazar says "oh well could I come in I am her best friend remember?" Nile says "mhmm no take care." Nile steps back in as he shut the door. As I wish I could only see Anazar's furious face right now Nile looks to me. My eyes widen as I say "thank you." Nile says "explain Elliane what happened between you to." I sigh as I say "well it happened not long ago do you remember when the cottage fell down last storm?" Nile nods and I say "remember you told me Anazar was apparently first one there and he was trying to save the family but a stone fell on his leg which broke it." Nile says "of course I told you because he is you're best friend." I walk to the table as I sit. Nile sits beside me and I say "I wanted to make sure he was okay not having a leg would suck." Nile says "of course you did but I don't see the problem." I say "I went to his house but because his leg was broken I didn't knock I just went in I have a key." Nile nods and I continue to say "when I walked in Anazar was walking out his room shirtless as a girl wearing his shirt walked out after him." Nile's eyes widen and I say "he said it was his sister but he doesn't have a sister so what is going on?" Nile looks away as he says "I know I don't talk about my age but I'm the only town doctor I help all the women give birth. Also I've been here since before Anazar's family moved here." My eyes widen as I say "he doesn't right?" Nile sighs as he says "no Elliane he doesn't." I gasp as it felt like my heart shattered even more. I look down and Nile says "Elliane can I ask why does this bother you? Do you like Anazar?" I clenched my fist as I say "Anazar told me he loved me he said for me to wait for him." Nile's eyes widen and he suddenly stood. My eyes widen as I say "what?" Nile turns to the door and I say "wait!" Nile looks to me and he said "what?" I say "you can't just go beat him up." Nile says "I'll patch him up after." I say "Nile." Nile sighs and says "fine I'll actually patch him up." My eyes widen and I laugh. Nile smiles and sits as he says "fine but I better not see him banging on you're door like that again." I nod as I look down. Nile says "alright you better go to sleep I have to go work on my medicine's." I say "yes thank you for dinner and eating with me." Nile smiles as he says "I enjoy it now sleep well." Nile picks up his container as he walks to the door. Nile opens and steps out the door. I can hear the door lock and I sigh as I set my head on my table. As I can see my basket in view. I pick up my head as I grab my basket I think "I hope he is okay. Mr. Mystery man." I smile as I stood I look to my door. I walk to my door as I think "just a peek." As I open the door to see the sky wasn't that dark. I say "it's still early."

I step out my door and shut it. I walk down my rock path and towards the trees. I pass trees and I pick up the front of my dress as I step over a fallen down tree. As I continue more into the forest I look around. Only hearing the wind and leaves russling. Finally I walk up to were I found Mr. Mystery man. I sigh as I look around. I step over another fallen tree. When Snap! My eyes widen as I turn When suddenly my flats slip in the gravel and I fall back. I gasp as I rolled backwards even hitting my head. Finally I come to a stop and I groan as I sit up slightly. As pain was filling my body I put my hand to my head as I think "come on." I try to stand but fall down. I gasp when Snap! My eyes widen and turn to see a black figure in the dark. The black figure had blue eyes. I start breathing heavily as I try to crawl back. As the figure moves closer I can now see it's a black wolf. My heart drops as finally everything went dark.

I can hear a woman say "brother what are you thinking bringing her here!" A man says "enough just help me."

My eyes widen as I gasp I sit up to see I'm in a large bed. As I look around to see I'm in a massive room with a massive chest at the end of the bed and even chairs by the two massive doors straight infront of me. To my right was a dresser and even a tall mirror. I sit more up but my body stings in pain. I gasp and lay back down.

When the right door of the two massive door opens. My eyes widen as a man steps in. I gasp to see Mr. Mystery man?

I think "no way this is insane!"