Chapter five

Nesrin Laurel

I let my head fall back unto the cold tiles behind me.

My churning gut blocks out all other clear thoughts.

My hands shake with the blade in it begging me not to do it.

It happened again.

I ran.

I showed them that I'm a weak broken doll again.

I just couldn't remember how to speak.

I couldn't make out where my own tongue was.

The fear churned in me and dragged me into it's swirling hole.

I surrendered again.

The eyes.

They've seen how broken I am.

I couldn't even raise my head, no matter how hard I tried.

My chest swells up with black emotions, making it hard to breathe.

Air rushes out of my nose in short spurts and my lungs burn with the need for more air.

Nesrin do it.

My eyes clad shut as my hands raise my gown to reveal my scar littered thighs.

My eyes scan it for an uncut spot and I find one.

My piece of heaven's just a slice away.

A heaven so good it hurts.

My relief's staring at me right in the eye.

Temporary yet, I crave it's bloody magic.

I drag the blade across my skin.

A scream erupts from me and my hands fall over my lips and muffles my howling cries into a low groan.

Seconds of sizzling pain fades into the kind of freedom I'm used to.


I watch through glassy eyes as the crimson liquid drips down unto the tiles beneath.

Ease jets through me, loosening my constrained muscles and biting nerves.

Relief shoots through my veins and paces it down.

I take in a powerful nose full of air and my breathing falls into place.

I feel air brush up against my body.

Reminding to feel my surroundings again.

Everything becomes clear in a daze and the usual pain mollifies into a dull throb for I've opened an outlet.

I just wanted to relish in high of my own blood, trailing down my skin and taking all my worries with it.

But Amelia's pounding on the door registers.

"Madame Nesrin please open the door"

She pleads at the very verge of tears and I wholesomely ignore her.

Water spills over the blood covered blade as I rinse it off.

Shivers run into me as the chilly temperated water hits my thighs from the little waterfall as I wash of my blood.

Time to face my life and the demons in it.

"Oh good heavens! You scared me!"

She wraps her arms around me as soon as I unlock the door.

"Master! Master! She's out!"

She gets a good hold on me and locks the bathroom door firmly.

My room door clicks open and I see Mr Laurel and his sons walk in and shut the door.

Moments of uneasy silence drag by as gazes pierce through me.

"You delinquent!"

His eyes narrow down to slits and the hate in his voice unreserved.

Elvis paces around dramatically in the corner of the of the room.

"Father! Lord James Graven was in that hall. He saw it!"

Elvis hollered frantically, exerting fury.

Mr Laurel throws his stunted arm in my direction and his palm strikes my face to the side.

My tongue picks up on a fresh flavour of metal on my inner lips.