Explosion or Teleportation

As fast as I could, I drew [Tengen-Ko-Rin].

Chain it down, Tengen.

By the skin of my teeth, I managed to stop the grenade from detonating right underneath my feet. I quickly made my way further back and stationed my Minions in front of me.

"Who's that coward over there?!"

Call me a coward all you want, but you're the one that's about to die.

Robbie ran toward Joel and swung [Nija-T'an-Mo]. Joel swiftly raised his {Reaper's Sabre} in order to block it. Their blades clashed several more times before Robbie used another ability.

"Rein Helleborus."

Thick green vines were conjured out of Robbie's arm and travelled toward Joel. Joel swung his {Reaper's Sabre}, trying to cut through the vines, however, the vines were unable to be cut. He was only able to temporarily knock the unbreakable vines away, only to see them moving towards him again. 

"Why can't I cut these?!"