Further Preparations

I continued to train with Earnest for the remaining time. Slowly but surely, I was beginning to adapt to his fighting style, but I never seemed to be able to get quite there. He seemed to be able to slightly alter his style each time, which meant I was never able to get used to the way he fought. Eventually, time was up and I wanted to go back home anyways.

"Thanks for today, I'll be back tomorrow."

"Good, I'll focus on your mistakes, we can talk more tomorrow," said Laiex.

I started to make my way back as the sun slowly set in the distance. I didn't really how fast time had gone by, but it was already getting quite dark. Even still, I didn't need to worry as I used to, even at night, we were protected by the guards and the walls of the city, it had been quite a while since I last saw a zombie.

However, in the distance, I could hear some shouting near the gate.

I looked over and saw that there was a large group of people trying to get in.