Duke to Progenitor - Part 1

Standing on the uneven ground, Lest looked over at the Seventh Progenitor's base. There were scarce sections of grass on the ground but not enough for it to look appealing. It was like someone had driven through with a bulldozer and destroyed the structural integrity of the dirt. 

The building was extremely run-down, littered with spider webs and mould. Bits of the roof hung down like decorations, waiting to fall to the ground at any moment. Eventually, Karnstein led the two vampires inside and then walked down a small hatch which led to the main base.

It was a huge tunnel system, similar of that to a sewerage pipe. The entire area was damp and humid, water dripped from the roof. It was hundreds of metres long, with room dispersed within the walls of the tunnel. Lest and Fuola continued to follow Karnstein as he led them further and further into the hideout.