The Past - Part 6

It was the next morning.

I was gently awoken by the beeping of my alarm clock.

'What time is it...' groaned Haruto as he lethargically swiped open his phone.

5:15 am.

'Jesus Christ, why did you set your alarm clock so early—I thought I was someone who woke up early. Did you use to go to some really early sports training?'

'This is the time I always wake up.'

'Well, what do you do this early in the morning?' He asked, hardly legible due to how tired he was. He was crumpling his blanket towards his face.

My life used to be completely monitored and organised by scientists. I didn't exactly have anything I wanted to do, but my circadian rhythm had hardened to waking up at this time so I didn't really feel the desire to sleep anymore.