Dead End Final Battle - Part 3

"What... just happened?"

I slowly regained my consciousness as I heard the sound of the Progenitor gasping in pain. I looked around at the others, who were all slowly pulling themselves up from the ground. It was a scene which looked almost no different from when I passed out. 

The Progenitor was clasping his chest, obviously confused by what had just occured.

"Why... when did this happen...?" 

Blood was gushing profusely out of his chest, staining his clothing, hands and quickly dripping onto the ground. His entire torso was being tainted by a dark red liquid. He appeared to be waiting for it to heal; however, that was never going to happen.

Quickly identifying the situation, Alicar got to his feet and dashed toward the Progenitor. He had insane amounts of composure, always being able to remember the task that was set for him. With his long silver blade, he engaged the vampire king once again.